'Jail Anyone Who Carries A Knife'


The Government has announced it will review knife sentencing guidelines as police continue to question five people in relation to the murder of 16-year-old Shakilus Townsend.Two men aged 22 and 18, two teenage boys aged 16 and 17, and a 16-year-old girl are being held at south London police stations in connection with the teenager's death.

Sentencing guidelines, due to come into force next month, state that knife possession can be punished with a fine in the least serious cases, but Justice Secretary Jack Straw said this would be re-examined.

"It's not a U-turn," he said. "We will be talking to other ministers about it and we will make an announcement."

Meanwhile David Cameron has called on the Government to toughen up on knife crime.

The Conservative Party leader now says anyone found carrying a knife should be jailed.

Last month the Prime Minister said everyone, from the age of 16 upwards, should be prosecuted for carrying a knife, but there was no mention of an automatic prison sentence.

That is not tough enough for Mr Cameron.

"I don't believe that the Government's 'presumption to prosecute' is enough.

"It doesn't send a strong enough signal. We need a 'presumption to prison'."

And, in an interview with The Sun, he said: "We have to send the strongest possible message that carrying a knife is completely unacceptable in Britain, end of subject."

He went on: "It is not a minor offence. There is no excuse for carrying a knife when you walk out of your door.

"We have a real problem of epidemic proportions. Eighteen kids in London have been stabbed to death this year. If we don't do something now it will go on and on."Getting rid of stop and search forms for police will help them work against knife crime more effectively, Mr Cameron said.

"Police can't stop guns and knives on our streets if they are hidebound by rules. They need to get out there and get stuck in."

Meanwhile a 14-year-old who was stabbed nearly three weeks ago in London has died from his injuries.

David Idowu, of Southwark, died at Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel.

The teenager was stabbed in Great Dover Street, SE1, on June 17 after a row
with a gang of youths in a nearby street.

And an 11-year-old boy has been charged with attempted robbery and possession of an offensive weapon after allegedly pulling a knife on a nine-year-old girl.

The charges relate to an alleged incident on April 13 in which the victim reportedly refused to hand over her games
pretty soon baseball bats, rocks, branches, streams (drowning), and plastic bags will all be banned for their assassin like qualities.
What knives? Pen knives, butter knives, carton cutters, what do they consider illegal to have on person? How about very long fingernails? You could gouge someones eyes out. I think sometimes that the leftists would be happy if we were all medieval serfs pawing thru the dirt for something to eat, with sticks or bare hands, all subservient to Lord Government, who assures us we are all equally destitute except for the masters we elect. Or not, in the case of bureaucracy. Since we are all equal, and criminals and common dirt citizens are considered equivalent by the system, so victims are not really that important as it is just one form of the lowest classes feeding off of another as would be expected. Meanwhile the ivory towers are well protected for the compassionate masters to relax and enjoy. WOw a rant...woops
Police can't stop guns and knives on our streets if they are hidebound by rules.

That is the epitome of the "Conquer and Rule" mentality of those people. Can't have any silly old rules disturbing our police. They might have to obey the law, themselves. That just would not be right.

Off with their arms...

and legs...

solar powered wheelchairs, governed to .25 kph, with voice command for all!

Hopefully they won't learn to worm their bodies over to their enemies chair and bite them. That might require a mandate to pull all teeth and possibly have their heads removed. :rolleyes:
Wow, Umm I got one question do the people in London have a right to defend themselves and if not to at least pee their pants?
Umm I got one question do the people in London have a right to defend themselves and if not to at least pee their pants?
You're not allowed to pee your pants in London without a HAZMAT handler's license. Same applies for crapping yourself. Plus you'd be opening yourself up to a civil suit from the BG for exposing them to noxious chemicals.
He went on: "It is not a minor offence. There is no excuse for carrying a knife when you walk out of your door.

Gee, I carry a knife out of my door every day and I use it all the time. Heck, I have worn the black finish off the blade from use. Strangely enough, I've never stabbed anybody with it. I wonder how it is I am getting so much use out of it if there is no excuse for carrying one? (and that is just common tool use before we get into the issue of weapons & self-defense)
Last year members of Parliament actually suggested outlawing Chef's knives because there was no legitimate purpose for a pointed knife to perform their job. Sharp edges were fine but they would need a blunted tip.
Just goes to show, you take away guns, people will find other ways to off each other.

The British government are complete freakin idiots. God bless Texas.