Jack Weigand's Interchangable Barrel System for S&W 686


New member
Hello Everyone,

Has anyone read a review or examined the new interchangable barrel system for the Smith & Wesson Model 686 from Jack Weigand?

It is summarized at http://www.jackweigand.com and it sounds really cool and very cost effective.

Has anyone heard any accuracy claims?

Would you have to rezero the sights after each barrel swap?

How would changing the barrels effect the barrel to cylinder gap? Would it stay consistent?

Thanks for the input guys and gals.

- Anthony
Yeeeesh! `Re-inventing the wheel'... If you want an interchangeable barreled revolver just go out and buy a Dan Wesson in your favorite calibre. Frankly what this guy is selling is just a way to separate you and your money and give him a chance to hack up a perfect serviceable revolver. *I* would rather keep the "&" the way it originally came and go to the people who've already perfected the interchangable barrel concept. (Besides I think you get a much better piece from DW than you could from "&". Especially comparing `right out of the box' `off the shelf' revolvers. [But then I will admit that I've got 3 DWs and the only "&" I owned I only kept for about 6 months before finding a `sucker' who just *had* to have a "&" `because?' it was a "&".])

As for re-zeroing... Amazingly enough you don't have to do all that much if you aren't going from one *extreme* to the other. (IE: Going from 2.5" to 10" or the reverse.) When you are only changing by one `step' one can usually mentally compensate quite easily. (IE: Going from 4" to 6" or the reverse.) It's more of a hassle when you change ammo! (IE: Going from .38spcl to .357mag or .44spcl to .44mag.) {GRIN!}