J&G Has Mosin M44s for a mere $149.00?

Sorry, bought myself two Tulas instead ;-) I will post images when they arrive to show what a $199.00 Tula M44 looks like as far as condition and bore.
As promised, here are some quick snaps of the two new M44s. The top one is a 1944 Tula, the bottom, a 1945 Izhevsk. First image is with flash to show wood grain, the rest, I turned flash off, too much glare and I am just using my point and shoot camera, no way to bounce the flash to soften the glare so I just turned it off.

With Flash

Without Flash



Check out the difference in the small finger groove in the stock just to the right of the rear barrel band. Interesting, the one on top is Hungarian, the bottom, Russian.

1945 Izhevsk stock repair

1945 Izhevsk Butt Plate

1945 Izhevsk Bolt w lots of arsenal marks

1945 Izhevsk w Good old PW Arms Billboard

1945 Izhevsk Receiver with some scrubbing/rust? Also lots of interesting arsenal marks

All numbers matched on the Izhevsk
Arsenal marks on stock, this rifle has been around, re-arsenaled many times it seems

1945 Izhevsk Bolt

1945 Izhevsk Bore - nice and shiny, non counterbored. Very happy with this, well worth the $30.00 bump

1944 Tula Bore - basically the same, non counterbored, nice and shiny also

1944 Tula Stock and Butt Plate. Here is where things get interesting with this rifle. A Hungarian stock on a 1944 Tula re-arsenal? Not unheard of but you don't expect to see a Hungarian stock on a Russian, it is usually the other way around.

1944 Tula - Also a Hungarian rear sight?
1944 Tula - Check out the receiver, pretty unusual font for "44"? I have not seen one like this and none of my other Mosins use this font

1945 Tula - Check out the sanding/scrubbing on the bolt knob. Pretty weird, I have not seen this before either.

1945 Izhevsk - Little bit of rust on the trigger guard, or that could be dried cosmo? I will find out when I clean it.

1945 Izhevsk - Little bit of a rusted front barrel band. No big deal to me, but I am going to pull these from the stocks to look for rust and pitting underneath the stock. Interesting fore end repair

1945 Izhevsk - Lots of arsenal marks on the stock on this one, really, they appear everywhere. Wish I knew what all of them meant.

Overall, I am very happy with both of these. First Tula Mosin I have had, lots of interesting marks and history with both of these. The bolt on the Izhevsk is super smooth, almost loose, like many of my other M44s, the bolt on the Tula is a bit sticker and may require a cosmoline hunt once the barrel heats up.

Neither rifle has much in the way of cosmoline, just traces of it and some waxy storage grease that doesn't feel like cosmo.

Trigger on the Tula is gritty and has a lot of take up, trigger on the Izhevsk has a little less take up and is a lot smoother. Both rifles came with cleaning rod, oil can, Mosin tool and cleaning rod attachment. No slings or ammo pouches. Both came with the Molot little brochure.

Both rifles have what I think is the Molot stamp near the tang?

While both rifles are interesting, the Tula, in particular, with it's Hungarian stock and rear sight, weird font on the "44" on the receiver and the unusual symbol underneath it, seems to be a bit out of the ordinary. Anyone have any interesting knowledge or observations about either rifle?

So I paid $179.00 for the Izhevsk and $229.00 for the Tula. I feel as if these rifles were an excellent buy and I am happy and proud to add them to my collection.

Hope all of you who ordered do just as well.
Yes, the Tula on top is a low wall receiver and the Izhevsk below is a high wall. Does that signify anything in particular like the transition from hex to round?
Great rifles and fun shooters.
I almost bought another one but I am already starting to stack rifles against the wall again.
Need another safe - LOL!
I am going to be a bad person and enable all of you who are in the same position as madmo44mag and myself who have ran out of safe space to spend a few bucks and increase your safe capacity. http://www.amazon.com/Gun-Storage-S...6343964&sr=8-2&keywords=gun+safe+storage+rods I have not yet ordered these but several friends have and they love them, they typically increase your safe capacity between 30 to 50%.

Buy them, then buy some more of these sweet little M44s. Another trick, store the rifles wherever you want around the house, just store the bolts in the safe. Nobody is going to get into trouble with a boltless M44, right?
My two Russian MN-44s bought from Classic (NC) and a TN shop in '08 were very inaccurate, and the only ammo was Bulgarian in the dusty gray cans. One shot every two seconds from my pair of SKS is much more accurate. On a bench rest, my 44s' groups averaged approx. 6" from 50 yards, squeezing slowly on sand bags.

These are interesting guns and the recoil feels no worse than my Yugo 48A Mauser, but I don't miss those 44s at all.

They both had a fair bit of decent shine and rifling, but it could have been some muzzle wear which is difficult to spot.
The many nice, well-preserved Polish 44s (blond wood, for the novices) would have worked out much better, and their cost back in '08-'09 was fairly moderate.

Capybara: The bores in your photos are so much brighter than in my 'former' 44s!
Either a huge shipment came into the US from the Ukraine (I saw some recent Chinese imports:(), and/or the price reflects the condition of most of those rifles. With x54R ammo still cheap (.20/rd.), one might consider a Polish 44 or another SKS instead (ammo .25/rd.).
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I just received mine on Friday. Wood was a little beat up, couple of heavy gouges, bores were bright, and I did not hand select. Additionally, heavily OILED, almost no cosmoline. For $167 shipped, you almost can't go wrong. We will see how it shoots in the spring, too darn cold here in Illinois right now!