IWB holster with retention strap?


New to the forum and hoping not to get flamed as I've seen this become a heated issue elsewhere trying to find a manufacturer of a good one, but does anyone know of a good iwb holster that also has a strap to secure gun? I carry a Ruger sr9c

Reason being that with my jiu jitsu I would still like the option to handle a physical confrontation without my only options being to draw or run from the situation. Example, last Halloween my apartment neighbor came back drunk as a skunk (had taxied back) from the bars and we saw him stumble into his truck. Skipping over the long story of every attempt made to talk him out of drunk driving to go pick up his buddy who'd been arrested for the bar fight and managing to take his keys when it was clear he was determined to drive, he was trying to get back to his truck with his now spare set of keys and threw a punch at a female friend of mine (army) and then tried to shove by me out of the doorway and make a run for it. Well I drug him to the ground and he started spazzing and wouldn't let go of the keys so I choked him out and then his fingers opened up nicely.

He apologized and thanked me the next day remembering pieces of it.

This isn't a situation that needed a gun at all, but I would have been uncomfortable grappling with the guy with just a friction held gun even with adjustable retention screws on the form fitting. So does anyone know of companies that make these well?
hockeyBjj then tried to shove by me out of the doorway and make a run for it. Well I drug him to the ground and he started spazzing and wouldn't let go of the keys so I choked him out and then his fingers opened up nicely.

damn.....thats some story
damn.....thats some story

It had been going on for over an hour, trying to convince this drunk neighbor not to drive (He was hammered. Not the, "it's ok, I'm fine. I can make it" type) and had already physically taken one set of keys. He didn't want to give up the other set so....

And this is nothing. Simple little rear naked choke to save an idiot's life for a 5 second nap. Some of the stories from my professor or the two purple belts who work as bouncers at a strip club or sometimes the Brazilians who come to our gym occasionally are actually nuts. And a reason to carry (I will never go to Brazil)
Oh man. Dealing with drunks, been in a similar situation with a friend. Sucks.


I think you'll be hard pressed to find an iwb with a strap, you could certainly ask one of MANY makers to build you one? Or, like my cross breed super tuck, you can up the retention by heating the area (kydex plastic) with a hair drier and pressing in and holding till it cools. You can get rather snug retention this way.