IWB Holster for Sig P239

I have been carrying my P239 in a OWB holster by Galco, and I like it...

However, it does show more than I would like in certain circumstances.

I was looking at Crossbreed holsters, but I 'hear" people recommend carrying in the front to avoid: 1. grabbing from behind; and/or 2. people tend to not reach/touch your front carry area as they may the rear...


Comments/suggestions on:

1. Front/Back carry location;
2. IWB holster for Sig P239.

I am leaning towards front crossdraw carry--to avoid people who might touch your back carry area...

So, I'd appreciate comments from those with ANY IWB hoslter re: back/front carry and quality (yet affordable) holster manufacturers.

Wow, no responses yet, huh...I'll chime in...

For concealed carry, I place more emphasis on comfort than whether or not someone will grab and/or touch my gun. So for this reason, I carry around 3:00 - it's what works for my body type, holster, gun, dress and draw. I figure if it's concealed right, they won't know a gun is on me. If they touch or accidentally bump into it, they probably won't think it's a gun. (Incidentally, this has happened 2 times to me and in both instances, nothing was mentioned and the other person didn't even bat an eye).

I personally stay away from cross draw for two reasons: 1) a strong side draw is much quicker for me and 2) I prefer not to muzzle sweep myself on the draw.

You'll need to experiment to find the best combination of comfort, security, and quick draw.

As for the holster, Crossbreed SuperTucks are all I use. I even got rid of my Milt Sparks VMII because I favored the SuperTuck over it. :eek: