IWB holster for SAA?


New member
Anyone carry a SAA, Colt or clone in an IWB holster? If so, what holster are you using? In my box of old holsters I have collected over the past 4 decades I found a dusty 1911 5" IWB Safariland that seems to work pretty good holding my new Uberti 4.75 1873 .45 LC fairly secure and snug. I have a Bianchi Lawman, but I'm liking the IWB mode of carry. I'm open to suggestions if anyone has a better rig?
A dusty 1911 is a totally different shape than an SAA. A 1911A1 is square, not round like an SAA.
Couldn't imagine any hand gun being more uncomfortable and unsuitable to an IWB though. The SAA was designed as a horse pistol. Meant to be used from horse back.
Middle of the back on the outside works though.
hammer spur

Anytime I've tried to carry a single action revolver other than a Ruger Bearcat in any sort of waist band trouser / belt holster, I eventually get bit by the hammer spur. Longer barrels just make it worse.

Dillon sells Meinicke (?) OWB single action holsters that seem like they have enough forward rake that it might help with the problem, but as a SA is not a real serious SD pistol for me, I've not bought one.

My SA carry is either:
-on a second gun belt with a flap holster , cross draw for longer barrels
-cross chest or shoulder holster

This works well for woods roaming/ATV for me.
TOHeir; This Safariland has a piece of leather that separates the hammer from the body. Yup, its square, not round (I'm well aware of the difference in shapes:D), but it fits. Not a perfect fit, but the thin leather is more comfortable and far more secure than just tucking it in my belt "Mexican carry", as they used to say. It works.
I'll have to check out Barranti ... Thanks Reteach.
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Reap... yep, that looks like what I'm interested in. I'll have to see if they can leave an "ear" in the cut to keep the hammer from poking into my belly. Lol!! Thank you!
Sorry men, but I just can't see a Single Action carried in an IWB holster. Just seem contrary to everything I've ever put into practice about use of the Single Action revolver.

Bob Wright
Bob, I understand your perspective and to some extent agree. But for me, depending upon how I dress and the weather, sometimes an OWB is not as desirable as an IWB, with a single action or double action revolver or a semi pistol. I'm in the northeast and strive to stay as concealed and low key as possible. I carry 24/7, on duty and off. Although a long shirt or coat will cover my OWB rigs 97% of the time, IWB is 100%. For me anyhow. I'm just more comfortable with IWB as I'm not constantly concerned about keeping my rig covered if the wind blows or if I bend over at the store to grab a case of bottled water, as I am when wearing an OWB rig, as my shirt or coat may ride up and expose my rig. I live in an area covered with "snowflakes" and I don't want them to melt if they spot a "gun"... LOL! And, if there are bad guys around, I certainly don't want THEM to know I'm packing. Pretty hard to defend against a sucker shot from the rear, which when properly landed, would render most men unconscious and or disoriented and then easily overpowered and disarmed. It happens, no matter how big and strong we may be, a sucker shot can render us defenseless. A hardcore ex con, the real deal, who spots your gun and then decides he wants it, will likely blindside you... HARD and FAST. Like Mike Tyson once said "Everyone has a plan... until they get punched in the face"! :D
Everyone also has their preferences for carry rigs. My preference, when in town anyhow, is out of sight... out of mind. IWB carry helps me achieve that better than OWB, regardless of the weapon.
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I love single actions revolvers. I regularly carry one, in a flap holster when out riding or walking in the woods. I can't imagine carrying one IWB. Uncomfortable is the least of my concerns.
I have been looking for a good IWB summer special type holster for a 4.75" Colt or Ruger, so I went ahead a ordered one from Barranti. I had one of the Mernickle Outside the wasteband holsters for a 3.5 inch Ruger, but I didn't care for it too much, and the birds head grip Ruger was part of the problem, but I have a Medium frame, Ruger 4-5/8" 45 colt New Vaquero, with small but rough elk horn grips, and it carries well Mexican style, but not that secure. I think this Barranti holster will work well for it.

And I also have a Ruger 357 Flat Top, New Vaquero that should work also. Love both of those guns, However, I think the 45 Colt will work better because it's a little lighter then the .357

I have been looking for one like this for years.
You don't need a holster. Open the loading gate and stick it in your pants where is is comfortable. The length and weight of the revolver will keep it in place and the open loading gate will keep it from sliding further down.

You might be better served by a Glock 48 in a kydex IWB.
I contacted Barranti and he is going to build me a custom IWB with a plug for my Single Action. Good advice Reteach, Thanks!

Jaysouth; Better served by a Glock? :eek: LOL! I think not Sir!!
"Plug"; that's what I call it... the muzzel enclosed, blocked off. I dislike having an open muzzel as when I sit I don't want my barrel getting scratched. I have a Bianchi Lawman, which is an awesome holster, but the muzzel is exposed to car seat belts, french fries, cigar butts and whatever else is on the front seat of my truck. And if I sit in he woods, leaves, dirt, etc. can find it's way into the muzzle. In an IWB, the muzzle is more protected as it's under my waistband, but I still prefer en enclosed / plugged holster.