IWB...and driving?

chris in va

New member
Wondering what everyone does with their IWB carry when in the car and seatbelted. If someone were to run up with a bat, gun etc, there's NO way I could be ready in time, especially with all the clothes I have to wear for the cold weather.
I wear one every day all day in the truck to work at work. I carry Mr. Sig in a Tucker Answer and have for 2 1/2 years now.
I was debating this today!!!!! I just got my CCW and started carrying. On my first carry, was IWB for half the ride. After that I put it in the door pocket. Today, I left it on my car seat (goes under the seat when I need to enter a store or sumn). Really didn't like the whole seat idea BUT I did feel that if anything arose I would have more of a chance grabbing it from the seat rather than the door pocket! Gotta find a better place tho' :confused:
I was also thinking about this, I am a lefty and I thought of buying some cheap holster (like a fobus) and somehow attaching it to my seat, down by the door.

That way its ready to grab, and not rattling around in the door pocket.
What I do..

In Florida since Chapter 790 (the weapons statutes) allows a loaded firearm w/o a CCW in a car, as long as it is securely encased. But naturally, the law defined securely encased very loosely. A glove box with no lock is securely encased by definition.

When I first got my CCW, I had that problem too. I sat in my driveway with the door pocket idea, (weapon unloaded) and tried quick drawing from the door pocket. Wasn't too successful since I'm right handed. So what I do is keep it in a holster between the seat and center console, right next to the seat belt clip. I've been very happy with how fast I can pull that sucker. Just my .02
I put my Kimber Ultra Carry II with the IWB holster between my seat and the center console of my Jeep Grand Chreokee. The gun draws beautiful from that position, very fast and always leaves the holster behind.
I know here in NYS concealed carry means just that, to not leave it in the car. Because if someone breaks in and steals your gun and shoots someone the gun owner is liable because that pistol is supposed to be on his/her person ALL the time while out.

Try a cross-draw IWB if your concerned with the seatbelt, I know in my truck I can probably put one between the creases in my bench seat next to me, where my mag-lite sits. Never tried though.
I keep it IWB. Get in an accident and the gun will end up who knows where. If you need to take defensive measures, you're already in control of a three-ton weapon.
What's worked for me (a right hander):

El Cheapo left-hand holster around 3:30. Pistola butt forward. Tolerable comfort, and with jacket unzipped (despite close proximitly of seatbelt connector), I can get to it with either hand. And the gun is always "on body".

Draw, if needed, requires being muzzle conscious and finger conscious. (I get to practice this all too often when about to go into buildings where carry is prohibited.) Additional comfort level here with primary carry gun (j-frame with oversize grip) having DAO trigger. On a few occassions when done with hot-chamber Glock, Safe-T-Block used in addition to (southpaw) holster that covers trigger guard. YMMV.
Stuck between passenger seat and console. Holds the holster while gun is being drawn, quick, and we don't have a "concealed or locked up" provision for car carry, with or without a permit.


if you want to get better.

First, as others have sagely pointed out, your best move in a hypothetical that you're thinking about is to leave. In order to do that more effectively, don't tailgate. When stopped leave enough room so you can get out if need be.

Now, to answer your question, let's assume for the sake of discussion that you've done this, but some butt-breath in an old beat up Ford Exploder decides 'hey, that huge gap looks nice, so I'll take it'... and he eats up all your extra space. Traffic is ground to a halt and you're the only one around in a Lexus. Wouldn't you know that your local crack-fiend sees your ride and being a firm believer in the democratic party platform of wealth redistribution, he decides to rob from the rich, and give to the poor - himself. Out comes an object in his hand, you cannot tell what, but let's say for the sake of discussion it's very shiny. Now what? <if you do practice for this, please practice without a loaded gun>

gun on the belt:
When you practice a typical 5 step draw, step one should bring your shooting hand to the butt of the gun, brushing concealment out of the way positively, and support hand up in front of your abdomen to smooth the meet/grip after the gun clears the holster. Sitting in a car or truck, you won't be able to do this as easily with the belt on, so this has to be modified to undo the belt and clear any concealment garments

LH - with right hand, go to the seat belt release and click it off, with left hand, clear away the concealement (if any) and get to the butt of the gun, ready your support hand. From this position you should be able to present fairly quickly.
RH - it will be more clumsy; Click off the belt with the right hand, if need be, clear it with the left. Move your right hand under any cover garments and to the grip of the gun, and move your support hand to a position ready to 'grip'.

Here's a tip - chances are, the steering wheel is going to find it's way into your natural arc of movement to accomplish a draw. Slow, smooth and sure is better than getting tangled up in your seat belt then hitting your steering wheel in the draw...
Chris, . . .

Being from Ohio, offers some extra challenges even in your scenario.

I cannot wear a SOB IWB, it has to be at 3 or at 9 (cross draw) so that it is visible to the LEO in case of a traffic stop.

I find that either works well in all three of my vehicles, as I position it butt forward and the seat belt either goes over and behind it (2) or in front of it (1) at 3, . . . and is not any kind of a problem at all at the 9 oclock position.

In fact, I can get at it better at the 9 oclock position as it is partially hidden by the door, . . . and it is available to the weak hand (not possible in a regular IWB at 3 oclock, . . . belted into a bucket seat).

Main thing to think about though, . . . your vehicle, . . . with locked doors, is a formidable fortress to someone outside. It is really hard to actually BREAK IN
to a vehicle. Yes, the bg can break off your mirror, pound the fenders, break some glass, . . . but in most cases, you should be able to get away before he can get in.

May God bless,
It is not the best idea to leave it in your car, that is how many handguns get into the hands of people who should not have them. If you have a CCW take the gun with you, unless your going into a place were you can't.
For once,being a lefty comes in handy(ouch!).I tuck cover garment behind my backside when I get in,seatbelt is left off so I don't get tangled up.Lean right on the draw and you're good to go.
I find that the car I'm in makes a difference. In the minivan that I usually drive, I can access my pistol from it's IWB holster. In my wife's car, it's pretty well trapped between the seat and me. Both have bucket seats, but they are shaped just enough differently to make a big difference.