I've narrowed it down to a Glock 23 or an HK USP40C???


New member
I own twenty-plus guns and don't have a forty cal in the bunch. I used to own a Ruger P series in .40s&w, but life is too short to spend it with an ugly gun.

I've got the fever, and I'm certain it's going to be either the Glock or the HK. The Glock comes with one 15 round mag and a 10 round for $550. The HK comes with two tens for $625.

I shot a borrowed HK USP45C at the range and was "dead on" with it--I could not get over the accuracy of the pistol. It out-shot any other pistol I've shot lately. But I've already got three 45's and don't want another one right now.

Everybody loves the Glock. I've got a Walther P99 in 9mm and have to say I'm getting used to the striker fired action, but I can't say that I prefer it. The HK feels better in my hand, but the Glock seems more... 'manueverable'; I feel like it's more 'pointable' if you know what I'm saying.

I've got plenty of hi-cap nines laying around so the magazine capacity isn't a big issue, but, having said that, a 15 round mag is better than a ten anyday.

Does anybody have anything to add to my considerations? Are their reliability issues in 40 cal with the two pistols? Should I count on the accuracy that I experienced with the USP45C when I go to the 40? If I don't buy a Glock will my friends shun me???

Your comments are appreciated.
they are both very good pistols but i'd go with the Glock. HKs are very accurate but so are glocks and i feel glocks are more reliable (HKs aren't bad in this department either). i just recently bought a Glock 22 and a 24C upper for it. the 24C is amazingly accurate and the G22 is also extreemly accurate. you don't have to worry about reliability with Glocks. also don't listen to what everyone says about .40 Glocks KBing all the time. 99.99% of all those KBs were because of bad reloading or shooting too much lead bullets thru the pistol.
Well, if you got that many guns I think I would go with the HK USP Compact. It comes in 40S&W. Or why not a Sig 229 40S&W?
I like Glocks, but it seems like everyone has one. It is nice to be alittle different, and I assume you already have your favorite carry pistols for which to protect yourself with if needed....
Either way, all three of these are great guns....
Clear as the Chattahoochee!

Well, I've got a few more considerations that I've muddled over myself...

The Glock weighs less
The HK looks better
The HK is a bit slimmer
Glock Mags - $20'ish each
HK Mags - $40'ish each
HK UTL - $260
Streamlight M3 - $135
Aftermarket accessories for HK - :confused:
Aftermarket accessories for Glock - :D
High caps for Glock - $75 - $100
availability :D
High caps for HK - $155
availability - Saw 1 ONCE at a gun show, didn't notice if it was LEO or not!

I guess you have to shoot 'em both and see. I shot the USP40C & 45C, and decided I liked my full sized HK.45 much better. Now, I'm between the P99 .40 or the Glock 23 as well.

Good luck!!!
Glock 23. I just got one and I love it. It is accurate and easy to shoot. For the size to power ratio, the 23 is tops.

The finnish is excellent and more corrosion resistant than the HK in the long hall. Take-down is a breeze and you have one consistent trigger pull. The price is great and you should pay no more than $489.00 with standard sights.
My vote goes to the H&K Compact .40 I've owned mine for about two years and man does this gun shoot. Its one of the few guns I own that I know I will not get rid of. The Glock is a good gun but I like the manuel safety and decock plus being able to carry it "cocked & locked"
Just my humble opinion
Of course I have to start problems. The Glock 23's full capacity magazines are 13 rounds (the G22 holds 15). Also, they NEVER made pre-ban USPc hi-caps for the .40.

Anyway, I give my nod to the Glock. I have a G23 and a USPc in 9mm. I prefer the Glock. More selection of options, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, similar accuracy and reliability. As a first choice, I'd go with the USP only if you're really uncomfortable with the safety and trigger setup. And if you don't own a Glock in a collection of 20+ guns, you really should.
Both are fantastic pistols...

....main differences to highlight.


-Manual Safety
-Customer service is horrible.
-Ask any gunsmith, parts are hard to get
-A little more expensive for no added value.
-Extremely accurate and reliable
-huge loss upon resale (if you sell)
-external hammer


-No manual safety
-Customer Service (in my experience) is fantastic.
-Parts are ubiquitous.
-less loss on resale
-some say, aesthetically ugly...I think they're beautiful.

In short, it comes down to what you prefer on your pistols. Shoot both if you can and go from there. Either way, have fun and good luck.
I've read some very good reasons to buy the Glock, but Branrot got right to the point. If you don't own a Glock out of 20 guns, you should. The're reliable, accurate, lightweight, reliable... Just be sure to get the newer versions with the finger grooves and accessory rails. This will enable you add a .357 sig barrel whenever like. The barrel is drop in and everything else, including the G23 hi-cap mag, is the same. Two guns for the price of one. I actually prefer approaching it from the other direction. I bought a G32 and added a .40 barrel. I prefer the aftermarket barrel to be the .40. Gotta love a Glock.
Either way you're a winner. I would go with the HK just because it feels better in my hand than the Glock. FWIW. Mike

Also, branrot is correct that HK has never made civilian hi-cap mags for the Compact.

Aside from the primary concerns of quality/fit/ergonomics, important issues that I feel the Glock wins on include:

1. easy to work on yourself w/o tons of training
2. cheap & available parts for repair/customizing
3. GREAT customer service
4. plenty of full-cap mags out there
5. 10-round mags cost 1/2 that of HK

Item #3 is especially important if you buy the gun without night sights and then decide to have them put on later.
See, you are lucky, there's no loser in this choice.

I do have to recommend against the compact version of the HK though and go for the full version. It's (IMHO) a better pistol, the full sized vs. the compact.

But either way, you come out the winner.

Have you looked at the Steyr M40? I was going to buy an HK, Sig, or Glock, I ended up with a Steyr M40 which I felt was superior over all of them...

Happy shooting, let us know what you get.
I currently have both. They are both accurate as all get out, but as far as looks, durability in the long run, supported chamber, external safety and DL, I would have to side with my HK. Don't get me wrong. Both are stellar performers. HK's only downfall is pricey mags, and hard to find parts. I can find a mag for my G23 for around $20-30, whereas HK mags run around $75-90. I doubt this helps, but I know I will have my HK when I depart this godforsaken land.

Semper Fi-
Branrot, Big Mike,

Just to save my honor, I knew that hi-caps were never available to Civies, but I promise, I saw one, ONCE, at a gun show in GA, behind the knife display case glass. At first glance, I thought it was a Glock 23 mag, and was thinking "WOW", $155 is a BIG price on a used mag!". But upon closer inspection (again, through the glass), I saw that it had HK on the baseplate, and .40 stamped on the side, near the baseplate. It didn't have the cutouts in the side for the PC spacer. I asked the guy behind the counter, who was headed toward some guys who had "money" written all over 'em, if it was indeed a hi-cap for the USP Compact,... he said "yeah" and kept on going. I wanted to touch it, but he was too busy to talk to a young guy with a poneytail :)

Anyway, I did really, I PROMISE :D

On second thought Gremlin, get the Glock... It feels better in the hand. And Zauer's right... they cost more, but do you really get more? (No more bashing please, I own an HK, and no Glocks, I'm just sayin.... :) )
Onslaught wrote:
"it had HK on the baseplate, and .40 stamped on the side, near the baseplate. It didn't have the cutouts in the side for the PC spacer."

Was it metal or polymer?
Onslaught: I actually own 3 USP Compact mags, but they're 9mm. I actually freaked out the guy at the gunshop with them! However, I'm pretty sure they never made any compact .40 mags. I could be wrong, but I'm sticking by my story. Are you sure they weren't LE-Only mags, aftermarket, 9mm, illegally imported or P7M13 mags?
Thanks for the great feedback.

JJCook got me... "I know I will have my HK when I depart this godforsaken land."

From a man who has both and sounds like he favors one over the other, that's good enough for me.

Besides, I just think the HK is prettier.

Looks like the Glock will have to wait another round.

Maybe one of those little bitties ones will fit in my collection as a mouse gun...