I've loaded it all . . .

Prof Young

New member
The only thing I have left on the loading bench that's empty is a handful of 223 cases. But the ammo closet is looking . . . RIGHTEOUS!

Life is good.

Prof Young
You’ve loaded it all , well done my friend . I wish that’s me too but not even close . Maybe because I separated my range brass and bought thousands of projectiles . Meaning ( in a good way ) I have way to much stuff to load it all . I think I’d be happy if I were to prep a few thousand cases . I’ve done a bunch of reloading related projects but have only loaded about 1500 rounds of multiple calibers in the last few weeks . I have loaded several new loads that will need to be tested after this is over . I’m very excited about that .
Petload testing

50 Shooter,

The best reloads are pet loads. You'll have to ship all your guns to Prof Young to make the best reloads for you. This will take time so don't expect to get your guns back soon.
I too have reloaded every empty case in the house even though I'm still out working my usual "essential" 40+ hour a week job. Just need some time to go empty some out, the components are all in stock & waiting.
I am going to the range today and 'unload' a few rounds. Since I have plenty 'loaded', I haven't felt the need to load more :) .
I too have reloaded every empty case in the house....

I haven't been there in over 50 years. :D

I get a degree of amusement from the thought that, if my house was ever a murder scene, it would drive the ballistic lab guys nuts trying to match tens of thousands of rounds and cases in over 30 different calibers. I've got stuff from guns I no longer have, I've even got some stuff from guns I've never had....

Brass that's been loaded and fired multiple times, in multiple guns, and all kinds of odds and ends.

I can find loose rounds, or more often fired cases, in almost every nook and cranny, desk and dresser, outside of the kitchen and bathroom...

Hello, my name is 44 AMP and I'm an ammoholic….:D
My goal is to load every case I own while primer and powder are still available. Then I'll probably clean all my guns again, then sumpin' else...
I have somewhere north of 15000 rounds in seven calibers and enough components and brass for about double that for the future. If you count .22RF and factory ammo stashed add another 4000 or so.
I've got 3 pending brass trades to get rid of a tiny portion my 9mm brass stock ( I don't own a 9mm ) I did clear, clean and head stamp sort all 12000 + just to bring some order to my brass pile..... Let me know if you need any 9mm and have some .40 S&W to trade.
On my porch today . . .

Magically appearing on my porch today was 2000 Hy-tec coated 9mm bullets from the Missouri Bullet Company. Ta da. We are rolling again.

Life is good.
Prof Young
I have resisted the urge to load a bunch of ammo. It has been my experience that my shooting style tends to be in a constant state of flux. Just when I think a certain load recipe is "the one," something will change in my criteria and it'll become obsolete - or at least not as desirous.
I have resisted the urge to load a bunch of ammo. It has been my experience that my shooting style tends to be in a constant state of flux. Just when I think a certain load recipe is "the one," something will change in my criteria and it'll become obsolete - or at least not as desirous.

Me too-ish . I have been doing reloading activities lately and the one thing I've noticed is loads I worked up years ago or when I first started loading pistol are not what I want now . Everything from the wrong COAL , charge , wrong powder for that weight bullet , now that I know better etc .

It's actually been a little frustrating . I've wanted to load maybe a certain powder I don't have much left of and match it with a bullet that I'm running out of just to clear up some space . Only to look at the data I have and think " I know that's not going to be a good load" . These are loads/components maybe I started with or where the first time I used that combo and at the time I was just looking to cycle the firearm and it not blow up . Now years later I know better and look at old data as if I would be wasting the components if I loaded it that way .

I'm actually going to do something like that tonight . I have 26 Berry's 230gr LRN that have been sitting around for maybe 4 years cus there's just not enough to really load and be helpful to any range trip . I had 500 of these and never really liked them and the powder I used most was HS-6 , another crappy choice . At least I'll be getting rid of the bullets . I still have 5+ pounds of HS-6 which I've learned to hate . still trying to work through it . I have some 147gr 9mm plinking bullets I might be able to waist some HS-6 on .
Metal Gold. I once had a lb. of WSF and it shot like crap in my .40. It didn't work in anything I had. Then later I tried it on my brother's 10mm and it was amazing.
Thread deviation, sorry.

I'm actually going to do something like that tonight . I have 26 Berry's 230gr LRN that have been sitting around for maybe 4 years cus there's just not enough to really load and be helpful to any range trip . I had 500 of these and never really liked them and the powder I used most was HS-6 , another crappy choice . At least I'll be getting rid of the bullets . I still have 5+ pounds of HS-6 which I've learned to hate . still trying to work through it . I have some 147gr 9mm plinking bullets I might be able to waist some HS-6 on.

Metal god: HS-6 is a crappy choice :p. Heh, okay, it's true, but it's not true. It's an intermediate propellant that's low energy and doesn't like to ignite. You probably know that. I used it years ago (in the 1980's) and decided it sux. When the great shortage of '13 hit, I panic bought three or four pounds of it (I needed an intermediate burner - ANY intermediate burner.). One of the few advantages of age is maturity. I took another stab at making good ammo with it, and I did.

First off, it works well for 125 grain (125 - not a typo) Lead SWC's for 9mm. It runs cool and pressures up slowly - perfect for lead. Granted, it wasn't a clean burner, but the rounds didn't lead up the barrel much at all.

Next, I really liked that way it performed with 230gn jacketed bullets (plated too) for 45 ACP.

Also, 158 JHP's (or JSP's) for 357 Mag - granted, they weren't top velocity, but they ran nice n clean. A good handling round and still plenty potent.

Same with 240gn JHP/JSP 44 Magnum.

10mm 180gn JHP's.

I couldn't get it to run clean with published loads for 38 or 44 Special - there just isn't enough pressure there.

Magnum primers for the revolver rounds; standard primers for the semi-autos.

The common thread is heavy bullets, pumped up to near max published pressures. Gotta run 'em up.

I'm glad I don't have five #'s of the stuff; but if I did, I wouldn't fret. Good ammo can be made from it.
Trade for VVN310

Anyone live in the SF Bay Area around San Mateo or Redwood City and want to trade powder? I bought VVN310 thinking it would be the best for my .45, not. I loaded maybe 15 test loads with the lb. so it's hardly touched. If someone has a powder they experimented with and didn't like it, let me know and maybe we can trade.
I've used HS-6 in all three handgun cartridges I reload for ( 9mm , 357 , 45acp ) with relatively good results depending on ones definition of good results . Does it meter good - sure , does it make accurate ammo - sure . I've heard load it hot cus it needs good pressure to burn clean-ish . So 9.5gr and 158gr LRN in 357 produced the most smoke anyone has ever seen . OK maybe not that bad but I was at an indoor range a few months ago shooting that load and the lane to the left and right of me stopped shooting and backed away from there lane . Why , cus all the smoke they were breathing in . I could only shoot 6 rounds then had to back away .

Now that's the extreme with that powder but in general it is far more smoky then any other powder I use to include H-110 , 2400 , CFE , WSF hell even Longshot . I use several powders for handgun cartridge's and it's by far my least favorite . Sooty cases to include inside and out of the gun/s , smoky , uses almost double the amount per round compared to others I use are all cons that over time have really got to me .

It works if need be and 'll keep using it because I have it . I'm sure at some point I'll find that perfect combo however as you did with many of your powders , When it's gone it will not be bought again .