I've got a question

Miss Demeanors

New member
Excuse my ignorance, but I am trying to figure out the proper person to contact. Last night on our local news, they said that IL was about to change its gun laws. As of now, if someone gets caught carrying a firearm it is considered a felony. They said that is now unconstitutional and they are going to change it to a MISS DEMEANOR ( :)). Someone is going to have a legislative meeting on this next Monday....but who would that be? It concerns all of IL. My thought is this, I think this is the perfect time to write asking for CCW's, this way they can keep the felony charge for those that do not have a permit, and the only ones that do carry will be legal. But I dont know who I am supposed to contact Congressman? Senator? Confused! If someone knows please post it, so us IL people can voice our opinions. Thanks! :)
You should contact your State Representative & State Senator, since the law will be applicable only in the State of Illinois. They both should have a local/regional office where you can also take your concerns.

Good luck.

Maintain eternal vigilance. It is the people who are prisoners of their own ignorance about firearms that pose the greatest threat to our 2nd Amendment Rights.
Miss Demeanors,
The legal problem here rests with how the law was enacted: the nitwits in Springfield upgraded the UUW charge to a felony by piggy-backing the law onto a different set of laws. Piggy-backing is forbidden and was specifically mentioned in the 1972 revision of the Ill. constitution. This kind of law-making was prohibited to keep the rotten poltroons from slipping in new taxes. Now the morons in the legislature are acting surprised, like it's the fault of the Ill. Supreme Court. God help us from the chowder heads that run Illinois. Btw, did you know that Ill. law considers Chicago aldermen to be peace officers? This early 1900s law makes it legal for them to carry concealed; they are the only elected body in the state with the right. 50 Democrat mongrels allowed to carry guns!
Miss D, I don't know diddily about IL, but if it were me, I'd contact the NRA and GOA to see what they can tell me. Both should have contacts / reps in IL:

Those reps should be able to bring you up to speed on the changes. I went to your state web site, but it doesn't seem to have pending legislation - you don't live in a democracy anyway, right? ;)

Regards from AZ

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited December 07, 1999).]
Miss Demeanors,
Howdy, its been a while since ive typed to ya and was wondering how your shooting is going? Are you wearing them out at the range?
On the point that you posted, there are those who believe that to accept a ccw permit is still violating the constitutional right to keep and bear arms.......personally I think that as well but at this stage Im willing to accept a gain and keep moving for the whole ball of wax so to speak. It just seems to me that makeing the possesion of a firearm that isnt registered or one that is carried without a permit a felony,,,might be taking us a way I wouldnt want to go....but who knows that why we all have opinions...lol.....later gal....fubsy.
Miss D Keep me informed about the law change in Illinios!! I am tired of being a felon when I travel home. :) The last I looked Illinois was the only state on my route home that I was a felon.
