Its times like these....


New member
That I'm happy I LOVE stuffing the front! I have plenty of those modern fang dangled boom sticks. But there's just something about the BOOM, Smoke, and the smell of fire and Brimstone in a holler early in the morning. :D Ammo Shortage? Not as long as I got a fire and pot, hehehe. I hope all of you guys have been doing well. It has been a minute or three since I've been in here. I'm still Rocking my Traditions Kentucky Rifle in the Deer Woods. She has proven herself time and time again. For a Cheap (ish) rifle, It serves me well. I have her ironed out and she is Balls dang near in the same hole accurate. Hunting load is a Mere 90 grains of the Black, a .015 ticking patch, and a home cast .490 ball. It hits em like Thor's hammer too. Happy Holidays to you all, and happy shooting!
I too enjoy my rock lock. And my C&B revolvers. And probably gonna make a long rifle here in the next couple years. Yes burning holy black is indeed satisfying. Honestly I could live without cartridge firearms. I still enjoy them, especially my milsurps (also likely safe from most things but inflation). Indeed, though, there’s nothing like making a flint hit a frizzen three times and the result is, if I do my part, a 100 yard group that would make most lever rifles plum jealous.
I don't have a rock lock yet. But I will soon enough I'm sure. I feel I'm confident enough in muzzle loading to try one. I will most likely get a smooth bore that chunks a BIG ole chunk of lead. I'm getting older and my eyes are not what they used to be. So a smooth bore and 50 yards will suit me just fine.
I have a funny story about my Traditions Kentucky. Ever since I bought the thing I have always HATED the rear sight on it. It was VERY hard to pick up and I always thought I need a better sight on it. But the rifle is stoopid accurate so I always just dealt with it. Well one October morning this year, I'm sitting up in my 20 foot hang on stand in the holler. And I'm enjoying the sunrise and the woods waking up. In that time I look down at my rifle laying on my lap and it was like a search light turned on in my noogin. I suddenly realized the dang rear sight is INSTALLED BACKWARDS!! I looked at it from the front of the rear sight (the muzzle side) and sure enought the sight is relieved around the notch on that side. I took it home and with a brass punch I knocked it out and flipped it around. And wouldn't you know it, HOT DANG its like a new rifle and I CAN SEE the sights MUCHO BETTAH!! SMH what a KNUCKLE HEAD!!
We are a dying breed

You know how I feel as these "Front-Stuffers", touch my heart. However, I fear we are a dying breed. I also enjoy teaching M/L's and restoring them. I will never forget the last deer I shot as I had to wait what seemed as an eternity to see if I made the kill. The sun was just rising and the smoke took some time, to clear. ....... :)

Be Safe !!!
I did the math once, and I think my .50 flinter was something like $0.15 a shot or something like that, mostly the cost of powder. And since it takes so long to load one, you don't burn up nearly as much ammo in the same time as a those cartridge guns. So much fun!

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Yes Sir, on a still morning in my bottom, it takes like you said, what seems like forever for the smoke to clear. Some folks look at me real funny at the hunt club when I slide that long rifle out of the sleeve. LOL.
I've never did the math but you're right. I can hang out at the range all day, have a ball and never burn through the money I do with other toys.
My '74 Sharps , my 1858 Enfield , and my Rem 1858 .44 pistol have been my preffered shooters throughout most of this past year. Ive been introduced to several local hardcore BP antique M/L shooters and ive been just loving the gained knowledge of military flinters and percussions. Theres no "imitating" the true smell and likeness of the "holy black".
I'm probably the odd (and old) man out on this but my love and passion these days is directed to black powder cartridge guns. I have several single action revolvers that don't shoot anything but BP loaded 45 Colt rounds. My Winchester '73 in 44 WCF has never fired a smokeless round. And, the latest addition to my safe is a '74 Shiloh Sharps Business Rifle in 50-90 Sharps Straight. It shouts "buffalo rifle" with every pull of the trigger, billowing cloud of BP smoke, and punch in the shoulder.

With the current shortage of ammo and reloading components, I decided it might be time to think about shooting my wall hanger percussion revolver. I've been reading that there's no shortage of caps, so that seemed like a way to keep shooting.

A friend works across the street from a Cabela's, so I asked him to check BP supplies. They only had Pyrodex in FFFG -- not my first (or second) choice, but it would work. They had .454 balls. Caps -- he said there wasan't a single percussion cap in the place.

So much for makin' smoke.
You can have as much fun firing 30 rounds from a smokepole as 100 rounds from an AR. Then again, an AR is easier to clean. Solvent & oil and no soap, water, scrub, pump or what-not and then dry and oil. A 39"-42" plus barrel is much more to clean than a 16-24" bbl. You need outdoor space to clean the former.

Then again, single shot BP pistols can be cleaned in the kitchen sink.
I also just now have gotten into the Black Powder thing. Bought a inexpensive rifle to learn along the way. I do want a revolver but many are sold out already. I stocked up on powder, bullets and Primers to last for quite a while. Already I am thinking about up grading to a Hawken. I would someday love to have a rifle like owner of rifle in the pic below.


Southern Mountain Rifle

Hand-Built f by Mike Davis. 40 caliber "Southern Mountain Rifle".
Yes Sir that is a VERY nice boom stick. I too am really wanting a custom rifle. I want a smooth bore Flinter. But, in reality the cost of these things may put me back in the Cheap Seats. We will see. But as far as the Cheapies go, They do hold their own. A Lyman Great Plains Rifle is a VERY nice rifle also.