Its time for troops on the Mexican border!!!!!!!

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Te Anau

New member
Im talking several army divisions,machine guns,tanks,air support and the will to use them 24/7,365 days a year! I am sick to death of the cowardice of Americas politicians and their endless kissing up to "future voters".The Republicans and Democrats are equally to blame.Colorados Tom Tancredo is the only member of congress who really speaks his mind when it comes to the destruction of America at the hands of Mexico.This has to stop.Why is America letting a piss-ant third world,corrupt country like Mexico dictate to us whats going to happen?
The latest standoff on the border with who knows who is just the latest example in a long string of Mexican border abuse.I dont care if we go to full scale war with Mexico,this has got to stop.WAKE UP AMERICA!!! Contact your members of congress and tell them to defend this country at home first!
you pretty much said it all. It's because both Democrats and Republicans are more interested in getting legal and illegal mexican votes and increasing the voting block to keep themselves in Washington because they feel that the whole world revolves around them. Maintaining their own cultures and communities and states are of no importance. For instance, Texas is not Bush's home, Washington DC is. Same with all of them. These people, in reality have no culture of their own so why should they care about yours or mine.
The wealthy live in a bubble in order to "see the Light" it must be on there
door step. Problems along the border are the worse and most corrupt I have
seen in 30 years it will not get better until strong force is applied, however
many do not want it stopped (flow of drugs and cheap labor) the wealthy/
controlling class on both sides of the border benefit.:mad:
Reconstitute the 1st Cavalry Division as a true Cavalry unit. Take away their Abrams and Bradleys and put them on horses. Or quads/bikes/off road vehicles backed up with airborne assets and ground sensors. Put them on the border!

Let the Army do what it is supposed to be doing, DEFENDING OUR BORDERS!

We had troops on the E German border for 40+ years and on the Korean DMZ since the armstice there. We know how to patrol borders, why not our own.

If Mexicans want to come here to work, let them get a green card. Keep out the criminal element and other undesirables.

Two classes of people are being victimized under the current system. The poor Mexican who is victimized by the people smugglers, and by the people here who hire them. And the american people because of the undocumented work they do when they get here.

There is plenty of work for honest hard working Mexicans here, work americans are too lazy/proud to do. Why not let them come here and do the work and tax it like the rest of us are taxed.
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If Mexicans want to come here to work, let them get a green card.
Dang right, and the best way to ensure that they do so instead of crossing illegally is to make it easier for them to get those green cards.

The poor Mexican who is victimized by the people smugglers, and by the people here who hire them.
Most of the employers that I knew didn't take advantage of the illegals they hired. The majority of them were paid the same, those with additional skills often earned more than their on-the-books counterparts.

But it does happen and you're right that it needs to be stemmed. As usual the solution to stopping something from happening illegally is to make it more desirable to do it legally. Having soldiers firing on families of immigrants isn't going to solve the problem, it never will. I do agree that our borders should be patrolled to keep out criminals and possible "terrorists" but it's a useless gesture if the core issue isn't taken care of first.
And don't forget the 18-20 billion (maybe more now) that Mexico holds in U.S. debt; I betcha they're holding that over our heads as well....remember back in '97 when the Japanese prime minister, in a speech, said he was thinking about cashing in some Treasury notes, Wall Street had a conniption........and there was damn near one needs guns or bullets to bring us to our knees, just the threat of calling in their "chips" as it were, and we'd be Skeeerewed.......and that just might be another reason why no one in D.C. has any balls when it comes to the border............
There are probably several ways to combat this sort of thing.

Is the military going to be authorized to fire on people crossing the border? If so, that would probably do it for 99% of EWIs. That last 1% would be the hardened smugglers. Right after 9/11, border traffic all but stopped becaus they were afraid that the response would be that drastic. But, would it be politically viable? If not, what's the point of the military being there?

Quit sending most people back to Mexico within 8hrs. The detention facilities aren't a lot of fun, but they aren't all that bad, either. Hold them for a few days, or longer. Make it really unpleasant.

Shoot drive-throughs upon detection. They're up to no good (ie drug smuggling) and catching them without violence is trickey.

Don't let the illegal aliens go south without making them run the gauntlet again. Come November/December, all sorts of aliens go home for the holidays and they generally get a free pass. Instead, run a lot of southbound traffic checks while the northbound foot traffic is slow. Seize their vehicles (conveyance used to transport). After release, they can take anything they can carry, but not the vehicle that they had loaded to the brim.
Having the military patrol the border may be prohibitively expensive. If the order did go through would you be willing to support a raise in taxes to pay for it all? If not how do we pay for it? Cut education, health care and other services? Go deeper into debt? Cut subsidies to large corporations? Pull out of Iraq? There are only so many options to look at? I agree that illegal aliens are a problem.

As usual the solution to stopping something from happening illegally is to make it more desirable to do it legally. Having soldiers firing on families of immigrants isn't going to solve the problem, it never will

Personally,I think a 100 yard wide,mined no-mans land is a good way to go in remote areas.This country has got to stop being so weak and think about our future--if not America will fall.:mad:
Dear Te Anau:
You got that right. You might want to check out the shows on on the web. They have a buncy of guys on that site you can listen to about reports on the border invasion. I checked it out last night, and there were guys talking about it.

Mainstream news doesn't seem to think anything is wrong with it!
Let's put this one to bed.

You want to talk realistic measures against illegal immigration, have at it. Talk about mine fields and machine-gunning wetbacks is both unrealistic (not in your lifetime or mine), and pointless chest-beating.

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