It's the criminals Stupid

Virgil Cain

New member
I just read an article in a local paper about gun control. Guns are not the problem its the lack or law ENFORCEMENT and the lack of citizens saying they have had enough of this crap. It maybe just me but how many of you can honestly say that the cops in your hometown actually do their jobs. And how many citizens are actually calling for reform?
Its not the police Virgil...

Its the DA, the judges and all those career politicians. Intead of prosecuting a higher charge that will take time, the DA plea bargins for a sure win on a lesser charge...the judges encourage plea bargins so they can whip thru the calender...the politicians take credit for the number of "convictions" in their districts. Its all a smokey numbers game, once again form over substance

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"