It's the Constitution STUPID !!!


New member
We all know we need a return to the Constitution, and we all bemoan how this is a problem or that is a problem with the government and we basically give it only lip service and continue to moan; but there is a relatively simple solution...... what is this miracle you ask???

VOTING !!! yes we all have heard the wasted vote senario, but think for a moment and do some simple arithmetic.... there are:

80 Million gun owners
25 Million veterans

There were only 97 million votes cast for the Presidential election last term...... 49 mm for Klinton and 40mm for Dole..... Hmmmmmm let's see how that works.....

Assuming that most of all the veterans who swore an oath to uphold the Constitution are also gun owners we will not even add anything to the numbers.... if two thirds of the gun owners vote as a block to elect a strict Constitutionalist President there would be no way we could be beaten, except with vote fraud.

Check it out, and use this little statement to pass on to everyone, yes EVERYONE you come into contact with. and make believers out of them!!! We can make it happen, and save a revolution.

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?

[This message has been edited by Menos (edited July 21, 1999).]
Menos, you're absolutely correct. The problem is getting the gun owners to vote for a person who is a strict constitutionalist. It seems as if most self-labelled pro-gun folks are more interested in partisan politics than in Bill of Rights Enforcement.

The political situation will not get any better until we put our votes where our mouth is. The only thing a politician fears is losing an election. Why reward past treacheries with votes? Do you discipline your dog by giving her a treat when she's bad? On the contrary, I imagine you scold her, maybe even swat her; in short, you let her know you're unhappy. But this is wrong some say, we're told that we should reward her for not being worse, and that we should be grateful we didn't buy that other dog. Don't worry, they reassure us, next time she'll be good, you'll see.

How do you think a dog would behave if you treated one this way? Would it obey readily? Or would it act however it saw fit, knowing that it would never be punished, that, in fact, it would be rewarded for its worst behavior? That dog might even become aggressive, threatening the hand that feeds it, because it has been trained to feel that it is in charge, that whatever it wants to do is right, and that if you, the owner has a problem with that you better think again.

All I know is I ain't givin' any more treats to dogs that continue to crap on my carpet.


"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H.L. Mencken
Menos, you are technically correct. However, many of those 80mm gun owners haven't shot a gun in years. Some, perhaps never.

And, having grandpa's shotgun in the closet, or a revolver in the drawer for self defense is a million miles away from an AR-15 discussion. If they shoot trap, they don't see why people need handguns. If they hunt deer, they don't see why people need semiautomatic rifles. Ad nauseum.

Gun owners are their own worst enemy. They tend to not give a damn until their specific ox is being gored. Reminds me of the Nazi's picking off one sub-group after another. By the time they get to the guy shooting trap, there won't be any other firearms owners that can help the ba***rd.

I'm sure all of us are doing our best to educate people, including other gun owners. But, just yesterday I spoke with a friend - a just-retired banker. Pretty libertarian in his perspective. We chatted about firearms briefly. He said the government is getting carried away, but we do need to do something about those 'automatic' weapons! Sigh ... Spent about 15 minutes trying to explain reality to him. Not sure I succeeded.

Americans at the end of the 20th century may be so stupid and / or lazy that we no longer deserve what was handed to us on a silver platter. Most of us have enough time left that we will see what transpires.

The anti-self defense crowd has succeeded in creating their movement. We'd better get those 80mm involved in a counter movement pretty damn quickly.
Well try the analogy approach, right now they are telling us what we can or can't have attached to to our Semi's.... well tell the trap shooter that he might like the gov to tell him that he can't have a full choke, or porting , much less that trick "release" trigger..... or the silouette pistolero that he can't use that fmj bullet, or that the the single shot TC he has is a short barreled rifle and illegal, cause it shoots a rifle cartridge, or visa versa..... in the other coutries they have banned all but side by side shotguns, and single shot 22's........ there is a lot more eveidence present today to bring others into the fray.....

Remind them of Germany, and Brittain, and Austrailia not to mention Russia, and China.

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?