It's *still* a good life ...

Sometimes, I know, I bitch and whinge about living here in Australia ...

... but it's still a good life.

It's Monday night, and Di and I have just finished a nice meal -- mint-marinated lamb chops, barbecued, with a Tuscan salad and a couple of glasses of fine white burgundy.

Its been warm today -- circa 90F -- now it's still and balmy. The garden's looking good and the reticulation's running, filling the night air with the scent of water on warm earth.

The TV's turned down, not even a distraction, and my kids are away. Di's upstairs with a wine and a chocolate (I'm sure you ladies will appreciate that) and I'm talking to my friends.

Yep, that's the good bit. I can't see you guys, can't shake your hand or pat you on the back. Can't hold you when you need it, or down a beer with you when you're happy.

But you're there, and I can talk to you like this.

Just us, with nothing in common except we own and love and appreciate guns. Not because of what they do or don't do -- just because they are.

Mine are locked away, cleaned, oiled and waiting for next weekend. But the memories they've already given me will last me a lifetime, even if I am unable to ever use them again. The same with the friendships. I met my best friend because of a common interest in guns -- we were 13. Sadly, he died in an aeroplane accident 7 years ago. But I still talk to him occasionally -- about guns and shooting.

What am I saying? Just this -- Australia can ban guns all it likes, but it can never ban the very qualities that make people appreciate, use and own guns. Self-reliance, independence, pride -- and a willingness to pass on our skills and belief to the next generation. Ban away, boys -- you ain't gonna stop us. We built a nation on the self-reliant digger, thumbing his nose at authority. Well, we may be dinosaurs, but we're not extinct yet.

Meanwhile, I'll count the Hornet rounds I reloaded over the weekend, maybe take the .22 out for another quick oil, then take my wife a second glass of wine -- and enjoy being free to feel this way, and to post this message.

Wish you were here, guys, to sit under the patio and share a beer with me. I'd like to shake your hands, each and every one.


[This message has been edited by Bruce from West Oz (edited November 01, 1999).]
Well spoken! A friend you be.
Do designated drivers in Aussie-land really use wheelbarrows for their "mates"?

[This message has been edited by mcshot (edited November 02, 1999).]
Bruce, I tried to pour you a drink, but the wine shorted out my computer, sorry! hehe!
Regards, bro!

We don't have a chaplain here, but I don't view that as any major problem... You can rest assured that you will not go in that bag until I've said a few appropriate words over you
R. Lee Ermy as Sgt Major Haffner, from The Siege of Firebase Gloria
Bruce, passing you a nice ice cold cyberbeer! That was very well said. I have no friends in real life that like guns, if I talk about them they think I am insane. I come here and feel at 'home' (cyberhome lol) everyone pretty much knows I am new, and no one has yet to laugh only to encourage me. No one does that here. So yes, it can still be a good life when you have friends that have the same interests. I dont have any brothers :( or really any male figures in my life. So if you want to adopt a cybersister just say the word! :) Cheers to you and all here! :)

I am now an NRA member! :)
You touched very close to home with that Bruce..

Finished up the Republic of Texas IDPA Championships on Saturday. Several of the competitors and RO's popped over the the Match Directors home afterwards. The next 6 hours were spend discussing firearms.. hunting.. reloading.. telling lies.. teasing the heck out of each other ...drinking beer and generaly having a grand old time. Was fortunate enough to spend a little time with one of our grand gentlemen of firearms, Mr. Ray Chapman.

The thing that impressed me most, almost everyone at this gatering was from out of town. Only 6 or 7 of us were local. I had never met any of the folks from out of town until the competition. Yet, I felt very much at home. Like I was part of a family. All of these "out-of-towners" gave me an open invitation to shoot when them when I happen to travel into their parts of the world. I almost got the impression they would be insulted if I did not come see them.

Sometimes we loose sight of the fact we ARE all a family ... a brotherhood and sisterhood of shooting... Thanks for the reminder brother Bruce... Wish I had a Crown Lager to tip to you right now.. ;)

IDPA# A04739
It is long been a principal of ours that one is no more armed because he has possession of a firearm than he is a musician because he owns a piano. There is no point in having a gun if you are not capable of using it skillfully. - Jeff Cooper
An excellent post. After reading it, I feel just a twinge of envy. I just spent the most excelent weekend possible with 5 good TFL friends at MATFLCS-II, more on that in another post. I sincerely agree with your thoughts on the shooting fraternity. I haven't ever found a better group of folks. No matter where you go, you're at home with them.
Happens all the time with my 4-wheeling buddies too. I think the difference is the enjoyable past-times we have with our toys. There's always a story to tell, something to reminice about. If that aint the pursuit of happiness I dont know what is.

Even though the anti's are very passionate about their cause, I dont see any of them being able to sit down together and just have a good time. How fun is it to fight against something. We are fighting for our rights, the Constitution and good times. We have a heritage we can be proud to pass on to our children. Better that, than emotional, illogical hate-mongers. If it weren't fun to do, I don't think any of us would be fighting to keep it.

Peace through superior firepower...

If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."
You got it Bruce... and in this case its even the same Southern Cross up there.
Susan and I, we were also sitting on our gallery this evening. The missus' flower beds are gearing up for spring and the scent of them out there in the dark and that of hum - ah ... Hoppes Number 9 from my 'gun room' attached to our patio, the guns cleaned and oiled, a tankard of ale in my fist, just enjoying life. No newscasts, the 'politicos' can go unlistened to and it won't make an grain of difference - let them blather. Och aye, we raise a cup 'o kindness yet to you and Di!

Salud amigo!
Peter Knight
Bruce , Thankyou for the reminder. Perhaps it is more meaningful coming from a fellow who doesn't have the opportunity to take for granted what some of us here do. You and Di have true friends all over the world. That is something to be proud of.
Bruce! Your making me feel all funny inside.
This forum and many who participate here I consider true friends even though I have never met any of you and If I saw anyone from here I wouldnt know it. So when I go to Gun shows and look around or notice the guy next to me at the table I offten wonder if this guy or girl I don,t know, is a good friend of mine.

I would be there in a minute if I could to drink with ya. Im a vodka man but would down a frothy one for this occasion. If your ever in So Cal post it and your company would be most welcome shooting with my pals and me I'm sure we could find a few arms for you to use.

We'll give a toast to you the next time my buds and I empty our highcapacity magazines in the local canyons, with our soon to be banned rifles. Whata ya want 5.56 or 7.62?

Of course we can't shoot too long here because all the fires started in the last 2 years are all blamed on the shooters and you have to wait untill the first rain before shooting, I live in a desert, it can take too long to wait for the rain, so we shoot anyway.

Keep fighting Bruce, your good friend Ober.

The beauty of the second Amendment is that it is not needed until they try to take it. T JEFFERSON

Do you really think that we want those laws to be observed? We want them broken. We're after power and we mean it. There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breakings laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced nor objectively interpreted-and you create a nation of law breakers--and then you cash in on guilt.

To all:

Thank you -- very much. I wrote that last night because the mood hit me, and I realised how much my friends on TFL mean to me, even though the chances of ever meeting any of you face-to-face are very slim.

I found your responses very touching and they made me feel -- I guess the word I'm searching for is "humble".

I think a few replies might be in order:

HS: A beer with you? Any time, mate ...

Gale: I'm glad you feel that way. Thank you.

Mcshot: Well, today was Melbourne Cup day (almost a national holiday), and I think a hospital stretcher would have been more appropriate for some of my colleagues at work ;)

Big G: I take the term "bro" as real compliment. Thank you.

Miss D: I only have brothers, so I'd be honoured to be your "cyberbrother". (Though I will have to be a much older brother! ;))

Bubba: Crown Lager? I thought you'd like a beer ;) Seriously, thank you.

Mal H: Isn't that so true? Even very experienced, very old, very good shooters, have turned out to be the nicest people. And they're always willing to pass on what the years have taught them.

KAM: You hit it on the head! Can you imagine the antis having a barbie and a few beers, where they can sit around and actually enjoy themselves talking about anti-gun things? The whole idea is negative.

Elchimango: Funny to think you see the "same" sky -- and your lifestyle sounds so similar. I love the smell of Hoppes ;) (Hell, I even like Sweets -- cleans the sinuses a treat when the easterly is blowing ;)) Best to you and Susan.

G-Freeman: Yes. I am very proud -- and grateful.

Ober: I'm not fussy, mate. In fact, I'm a total slut for any gun at all ;) 5.56 or 7.62?? Yes, please.

Friends, this is what I like about TFL. We're not just talking about firearms, we're talking because of firearms.

Enough! Please don't feel obligated to respond to this, because I'm very conscious of taking up space on TFL on a non-gun-related topic.

My best to you all and your families.

I don't feel obligated, I just want to respond. I think it's important to share in the camaraderie we all feel as shooters no matter where we are.
If by any chance you ever get to Michigan let me know. My guns will be your guns while you are here. :) I'll stock up on Foster's.(I hope that's no too cliche ;))
A warm and hearty cyber handshake to you and yours mate! :)

Adapt, Innovate, Overcome