It's Starting Again

Jeff White

New member
Well, I guess it's inevitable, even though the Illinois Instant Check System kept the Smith charactor from legally purchasing firearms, they're clamoring for new laws to close the "loopholes".

In case you don't have the details, Smith bought the Bryco .380 and Ruger .22 suspected of being used in the racial shootings from an unlicensed gun dealer who was already under investigation for trafficing in guns. In fact BATF served a search warrant at the "dealers" residence on 1 July. It was information gained through this warrant(receipts)that allowed them to trace the guns back to him after they were recovered. The BATF gun trafficing investigation was unrelated to the shootings.

Smith was issued a Firearm Owners ID Card by the Illinois State Police in June, but was denied purchase of 2 9mm handguns and a 12 ga shotgun when the instant check showed he was under an order of protection filed by a former girlfriend. The Illinois State Police revoked the FOID card after the denial. An ISP spokesman said the FOID card was issued by mistake due to the physical description on the OOP being different from the one on the FOID application.

To most of us on this forum, this proves that no matter what laws are on the books, people intent on getting guns for illegal purposes will get them.

To Illinois local HCI affiliated lobby this is just another reason to close loopholes.

I'm at a loss to figure out what loophole is left to close, but they're calling for more laws on us law abiding gunowners.


Banning "unlicensed dealers"....which really means banning private sales, which would require total registration of all existing guns.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
There is no such thing as an unlicensed dealers. Dealers are licensed and abide by Fed, state and local law. All others are hobbyists and if the firearms are illegal or the buyer/seller illegitimate, gunrunners. There are already laws which proscirbe their conduct.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I shot a resume for a programming job to ATS in Peoria, Il. Was all set to go up there, despite the draconian gun laws. However, upon learning that my potential boss only likes to hire young, nubile, easily intimitable women, and hearing about the insuing insanity in Illinois, both the state and the pig can kiss my rosy red rectum.
Hopefully, it will backfire on them. I just read a Reuters report that makes Lautenberg and HCI look pretty opportunistic and stupid. They picked the wrong event to capitolize on; the details all point to enforcement, not new laws.
I live in Illinois...

Stay away, stay far, far away!

Here in the "Sheeples Republik of Illinois", we have to undergo similar BS that most of you CCW carriers have to put up with to obtain our "FOID" (Firearm Owners ID) cards. Yes, we have registration! We can NOT possess a single round of ammo, let alone purchase any without our beloved FOID cards.

Once again; Stay away, stay far, far away!
I know there are no unlicensed "dealers". But isn't there something in the GCA '68 about dealing in firearms without a license? I thought there was some kind of threshhold after which you had to have an FFL.

I realize that they want to eliminate private sales. But under the FOID card system we have, private sales are already regulated. A private citizen cannot legally sell a gun to a non-foid card holder, and he is required to keep a record of the firearm sold and the name and FOID number of the person he sold it to for a period of 10 years. So in essence, there are no private sales.


It's worse then that. The ISP has been retaining records of the instant checks (we had the system before Brady. I don't think it's against the law for a lesser governemnt then the Feds to do it.) and tracking certain patterns of purchases. This is how some of the info in the Chicago lawsuit was obtained. I read an interesting article in "Law and Order" magazine at the PD about 18 months ago praising this program. I'm not sure the general public is aware that their firearm purchases are matched against profiles to see if you're a "gunrunner".

Jeff... guys have it worse than we do in Cali....can't buy ammo without a card!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Ewok -- Do you have the Reuters address? Sounds like it would make interesting reading. Without seeing it, I'll bet we'll never see it in print in the U.S. papers.
I recently sold a pistol via internet ad to a gentleman in Illinois. I live East of Illinois. Neither of is FFL. The transaction was made dealer to dealer. Hopefully, both our a$$es are covered. BTW I got some replies from individuals soliciting "private sale". Didn't bother answering those replies.
Illannoy is a great place to be from, as I am. In fact, I was born in Peoria and raised in the area. I wholeheartedly agree with antiussa. The Peoria area has about as much appeal as a slum in the middle of a cornfield, which coincidentally enough, it is.

Throw in all of Illannoy's anti-freedom stands and you have a losing combination. Stay away, and remember, Chicago is the worst spot of all.

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."
Also from Illinois, I can attest that it is because of Chicago's major urbanizied population that creates this mania.

At Chicago area gun shows, there are lines of people (hundreds) waiting for the doors to open. But inside, dealers, private sellers, and those walk-in sellers are extremely timid. You can feel the tension in the air. Private sales at these shows require parties to not only exchange FOID, serial #, model, addresses, etc., but also require the buying party to wait 72 hours for handguns and 24 hours for long guns.

Ammunition sales today include just a look by the seller at the purchaser's FOID card. The other day upon selecting some bird loads at a local sporting goods store, the clerk asked for my FOID and then asked, "Have you ever been convicted of a felony?". This same store, which used to carry an extensive selection of handguns, doesn't sell them anymore (apparently a new company chairman ended the line after Columbine). It's craziness.

In a City where CCW would make sense, the thought of even considering lugging a piece anywhere here, even to the local range, makes one feel like a criminal of sorts. The Chicago news media loves to sensationalize these gun related stories, even reporting on hearsay before facts are properly gathered to get the lead-ins nailed. A man investigated for a unwieldy dog, might be subject to having his home inspected by police and having all of his "arsenal" of weapons displayed for the media (like this is so unusal for citizens to own firearms).

Every time you turn on the news, somebody just was shot with a gun..."the gunman"...blah blah blah. It's this and the repetition of these stories night after night that makes people "think" they live in a very dangerous society.

The slant on "illegal gun dealer" is aimed at private sellers I assure you.