It's part of the language


New member
Have you ever given thought to how guns and shooting have become part of our everyday conversations? For example, is someone takes all of something then he got it "Lock, stock and barrel" Even anti-gunners have used this phrase without realizing it goes back to the early gunsmiths who built the entire firearm from scratch. They made the lock, the stock and the barrel.
If a person is honest and forthright he's "A straight shooter"
We all "Aim" for our goals and hope we'll be "On target".
You "shoot" a basketball and a good quarterback can "Rifle" a pass.
If you don't have a plan, you just "Shoot from the hip"
That guy's a real "Pistol" ain't he?
"Son of a gun!" these references just keep coming!
Oh well, "Whatever trips your trigger" ;)
Oh, shoot! I've been shot down so many times you'd think I was a bull's-eye. Anyone here drink bullshot? (Go on, I dare ya! Fire away!) :)
Scope this out.
The whole nine yards.
WW I biplanes could only carry 500 rounds of belted machine gun ammo. This measured about 27 feet in length. When a plane came home with an empty ammo locker, the pilot was said to have "Given them the whole nine yards."
Don't go ballistic, and stick to your guns!
Shoot, I can't think of anymore! Guess I missed the mark after all. Bull's eye!

Your mind is your primary weapon.
Looks like lots of us have "itchy trigger fingers" posting these responses. I'm ready for the next "volley".
If PSR's intention is to get people to stop using those terms, they've failed miserably.

I intend to use exactly these phrases when I... uh... shoot holes in the antis' arguments.

"Quemadmoeum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est." --Lucius Annaeus Seneca "the Younger" (ca. 4 BC-65 AD)
We must have hit the target and blown holes in their arguments. Them PSRs (Petty Socialist Reformers) must be afeared of all us po' boys. They gotta keep their membership "secure"!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
"The Membership page has been moved to a new secure site.

Thank you!"
Maybe they're just ashamed....
Mort: Good site. They contadict themselves so many times, you have to wonder if they are trying to "shoot themselves in the foot".

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited March 24, 1999).]
Yeah, Hal, I've had dealings with them before. Indeed, it looked like their head guy, Bob Musil, was at least willing to listen to reason...then he just stopped talking to me. I can't think of a gun expression to say "Bob Musil is a coward", so I'll just say it.
The PSR mob must be joking!

I think they're drawing a pretty long bow to suggest that our language heritage promotes violence. The vast majority of people have no idea where the phrases originate!

However, if they want to draw a bead on us over our choice of words, I say let them go ahead -- most of us are pretty bulletproof!

No matter what we do or say, gunowners are always going to draw flak from *twerps like that.

*twerp or twirp = an insignificant little person; stupid person (Australian colloquialism)

Maybe they will object to that too! :)