It's not a crime to fabricate news...!!!???

well, gotta say, that in today's conglomerate environment and our pseudo free press, that's unfortunately to be expected. And I don't view that as a knock on Fox, but as simply an example of what all of the News organizations do now. None of them are free of corporate profit mongering, as simply put, we have truly lost our free press.

Look at the newspapers. How many of the nation's papers just reprint stories from the NY Times? How many of the big city papers are owned by the same media conglomerates? There are very few outlets anymore that aren't controlled by the almighty dollar.

this all adds up to why we need to protect our 2nd amendment rights at all costs :)
That video clip is from a Canadian "documentary" called "The Corporation" in which the makers attempt to Psychoanalyze corporations as if they were people. Throughout the film, the makers advance the theory that the only way to reign in these evil companies is to make all business the property and purview of government- in other words, communism.

No thanks.
True enough...

I don't know about the video, but two FOX reporters were fired for refusing to lie on the air. They sued NewsCorp for wrongful termination.

NewsCorp's argument was that they had no legal obligation to tell the truth, and therefore they could fire an employee for refusing an order to lie, as that order did not violate the law.

The reporters lost.

All public record, folks... no Communist Canadian Conspiracy (tm) here.

Nike also won a lawsuit recently that pretty much stated that since corporations are now considered individual entities they have the right to lie without being held responsible. A very dangerous precedent that started with Reagan's administration (allowing corporations individual status) and continuing with current rulings. There are a lot more dire costs to having the courts stacked with corporate owned pseudo-conservative than the fear of having a woman be able to chose what to do with her body or let people decide for themselves who they want to marry.
Nike also won a lawsuit recently that pretty much stated that since corporations are now considered individual entities they have the right to lie without being held responsible.

This is right in line with the sixth and eighth of the 12 hallmarks of fascism:
6. Corporations are shielded
8. Media are controlled

(The other ones are: 1. Exuberant nationalism 2. Enemies Identified 3. Rights Disappear 4. Secrecy Demanded 5. Military Glorified 7. Corruption Unchecked 9. Rampant Sexism 10. Intellectual Bullying 11. Militarised Police 12. Elections Stolen. Excepting number 9, we just outlined the Bush Administration.)
America:Freedom to Facism. Watch it. Then come back and tell me how freaked out you are. And if you are going to keep paying income taxes or not?

I need to find out how they keep from paying so I can get mine back as well. Did you know something like 70 million people a year don't pay income tax. and that there is NO LAW anywhere that states income tax is mandatory? Oh, and a wage earned at a job has NEVER been considered "income" by the Supreme Court? Income is derived from profits from business ventures, not wages earned in a trade. Wages are looked at legally as bartered items, like you barter your time and the company barters to give you a certain amount of money for that time. Bartered goods have never been taxed as "income" because it's an exchange of equal values.

This is why I support the FairTax. We need to shut down the IRS.
Right to lie? Who ever held a politician, lawyer, or news reporter to any standard of truth? I can't remember any cases.
*** Cautiously steps away from Bush bashing communist thread ****

Not communism. Fascism. Communism and fascism are opposites:
--Under communism the government runs the corporations.
--Under fascism the corporations run the government.