Its happening in other areas as well

I'm starting to get a little tired. I am th plant manager for a cap and gown business and as you might imagine we are a little busy right now. We publish our toll free number, fax number, address, etc. How do you propose to be a good business if you can't be contacted easily?

Don't get me wrong, No more laws written by people who don't know how to make an honest dime is forefront!
Yes gentlemen, 1984 is really arriving, a little behind schedule in some respects , but it is here to stay I fear.

I addition to "1984" the book there was that movie with Sandra Bullock and Sly Stallone about some future world, and don't forget our various Star Trek adventures , where they can find anyone at any time....

Cashless society and Cameras at every intersection , bank , convenient store ..... etc. ad nauseum.....

The fact is that there are more people engaged in controlling us , than are engaged in productive creative work.... this will , as in all societies in history, result in our demise and collapse as a great nation.

The problem is that we are a totally money driven society, and there's little money in protecting individuality and self reliance, in fact the opposite is true. Y ou will find a great resistance to true philanthropy of purpose, with out a monied aspect to it.

So what's the answer???? ... I think Mr. Jefferson had it right a long time ago!!!!

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
All are suspect! -Joe Stalin

I don't know if he actually said that, but he may have well. It's pretty obvious that people are willing to trade freedom for a guarantee of safety.

The recent "terrorism" legislation has done a great deal of damage to our rights. Now, I understand that the administration fears terrorist attacks from Serb infiltrators. That means that anyone can be held for an indefinite period if "suspected" of terrorist activity.

What do Serbs look like? Probably like gun owners or other undesirables.
DC et al.....
I refer you to my post on fusby's Tenn msg board entry...

Enforce the Bill of Rights ... use T18 sec 241 against the anti's ... Conspiracy Against Rights.... it will work.... who will lead in our behalf?

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?