it's gonna be a fun time at the CMP shoot.


New member
hello all,
I'm getting pretty excited about a shoot coming up this saturday. It'll be my second shoot but I'll be taking my roommate and little brother along as competitors as well and it'll be their first, though the little brother was observing and spotting for me on my first shoot. it should be interesting, the only rifles that people ever bring are M1 garands and 1903A3 springfields. I'll be taking my Arisaka type 44(first time competing with it) while my little brother will be using my savage enfield number 4, and my roommate will be using my swedish M41B mauser. last time I took home 3rd place, I hope to do equally as well this time and hopefully even as good as take home the silver, the fellow that won last time won by a landslide and usually does from what I hear so I doubt I have the skills to beat him(but one can dream). anyone else have anything fun planned for the weekend?
I would say whoever scores lowest but since I don't trust either of them not to use 10W-30 and WD40 I will probably end up doing it myself.
i shoot a t-99 7.7 and do better than most,i have a super load that my 99 realy likes and don,t adjust the sights,but use hold over. at 75yds it just about cuts bullet holes. i shot a deer this year with it.eastbank.
my T99 is off by a few inches... I considered taking it but I really don't want to deal with the pain of drifting the front sight when I only get 5 rounds to sight with.
Good luck and I am sure you are getting pretty excited at this point.
I too am shooting this weekend. Both days. Rain or shine. Appleseed.
Hope we both don't have to shoot in the rain. I am ready for it anyway.

The longest target shooting for me has been 100 yards and this weekend
we will be strecthing it out to 2 and 3 hundred yards.
Both rifles I am taking are open peep sights so if I can see the balloons at those distances, I am probably not going to have much success.
22 lr for the Army Qualification Test @ 25 yards. .223 for the longer
I am getting pretty stoked because up to this event, all I have done is
non organized plinking.

now that would be pretty good shooting. I usually shoot 100 yards or less but my range has a number of oxygen tanks and gongs set up at 200, 300, 400 yards and 500 meters. I sometimes get up the gall to shoot those and can ring the 200 yard tanks with almost every gun I own. only one(the one I'm competing with) is able to reach out to the 400 yard tank with fairly high success rate. I have only had one rifle that I could reliably hit the 500 yard gong with an that particular rifle is no longer a part of my collection.
take a brass drift and tap your front sight to correct windage( to get the zero you want for elevation you can replace the front sight), i hold 6 oclock at 100yds and dead on at 200 yds and 12oclock at 300yds. eastbank
well it didn't turn out quite like suspected. there was an unusually large turnout so we were actually scored in two categories, "more experienced" and "er...younger guys" as they put it. my little brother had a magazine failure with the enfield and the stripper clips I was using locked up so neither of us got all 30 rounds out. the little brother scored 118, I scored 195, and the room mate, managed to fire all 30 shots and scored 229, earning 3rd place in the younger age group. fun day, I may be able to get them to come out more often now that they've competed.
Things didn't go exactly like I planned either but I got to shoot all day long.
No round count but a couple hundred shots at least.
Only seven shooters and check this out... seven instructors.
Watched us like a hawk.
Tomorrow is "show time." The timed shooting will be for the Army Qual. Test.

I had a couple spent 22 casings not eject and caused some serious delays trying to get all shots off in the alloted time.
Got home and really cleaned the receiver and action. It was pretty bad.
It is raining as I type this and hope it stops before tomorrow.
Have fun and be safe.

Do they put on a CMP GSM Clinic prior to the match?

The Prone SF is a gimmy IF someone is taught the proper position.

Prone RF?? Practice Loading and don't rush. 80 Seconds is a long time and can be fired the same as slow fire, again if taught the proper position.

Offhand is the kicker. Matches are won and lost in SF. The good news is it doesn't cost anything to practice nor do you have to leave the house. Best practice for SF is dry firing. But dry firing has to be done right. Just as you're shooting, keep a score book and plot your calls and use the same cadence you would use in a match.

If a good position is obtained, RELAX. Relaxation is the most neglected fundamentals in marksmanship. You can see this by watching others shoot.

Some flop around like a chicken with its head cut off, some don't seem to move at all. Guess which one's score the highest??

There are few Vintage Military Rifles out there that aren't capable of shooting 3.5 MOA. That means the rifle is capable of cleaning the targets I GSM matches. So it's the shooter. That's where a clinic taught by a CMP GSM Master Instructor Comes in.
they don't do GSM clinics here. if everybody is using a garand then they'll run through the proper method of using the garand through the match but if there is a pretty even split between garands and bolt guns(like we had) then they pretty much just run through like a standard qualification battery with no instruction other than line commands... the guys running it are getting up in age and pretty forgetful. I actually had to remind them of the rules if using a bolt action for the rapid fire since they just kept repeating the command to load two then insert eight even though nearly half had bolt guns with 5 round magazines. I know for a fact that I'm to blaim for the poor accuracy. I can regularly hit the gongs my range has set up at 400 yards, a feat that I am not capable with with any of my rifles, coming down to a minimum of 2.5 MOA accuracy for it. the fact I did so poorly is a testiment of my own lack of training. last night I actually broke down and bought fresh stripper clips that hopefully will not lock up on me. I believe next time I will also go without the dust cover attached, just to see if that helps a bit. thanks for the advice kraig, I definitely need some dry fire time.
What part of Idaho are you in. I go visit my Daughter in Portland every 4th of July.

Reason I'm asking is I'm a GSM MI instructor and I'm on the CMP's List of MIs willing to travel to put on clinics. Talk to your club and see if they want to put on a CMP GSM Clinic during that period. If I can tie it in with my Portland trip we might work something out.

If I don't have to make a special trip I don't charge for my Clinics. Any cost to the attendees would be up to the club for range fees if they have them.
near lewiston, the club is Lewis Clark Wildlife Club. they are having a garand clinic after the CMP "A" course on the 3rd saturday in april but not sure what that would entail.