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It's getting creepy!!!

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Just went thru L&P and it scared the H out of me!! My, God, what's this forum coming to??? Somebody needs to drop the hammer!!
I honestly don't know what everyone expects around here. You open up a forum to the general public for everyone's use, provided you abide by the rules, but then when people don't like what is being said suddenly it's THIS FORUM HAS GONE TO HELL!

L&P is obviously gonna be a hot bed for arguments, high emotions, and bad attitudes because most people don't know how to debate intelligently. Then you have General Handgun with the constant 9mm vs 45 and "knock down power" threads. General discussion is mostly ok, but still gets out of hand.

It's a forum open to the public and the public has differing views. The way I see it you only have 3 choices.
1. Deal with it.
2. Leave the forum.
3. Let the moderators close the forum down.

It's not going to get much better. You can only ban people, close threads, and delete threads so much. Because there is always gonna be another idiot right around the corner.

In my opinion, when you have moderators, the owner of the site no less, basically telling a poster they are tired of hearing what they have to say it doesn't leave much hope for any of us. I've lost alot of respect for this site the past few weeks and my participation here (which I'm sure will not leave a big gap by any means) is going to be dwindling. I'm definitely staying out of L&P.
Bob, I don't know what bothers me more, calling Justice Scalia a "POS", referring to the Gov. of Az. as a "bull dyke" or wishing a US Sen. would die from his stroke.
Of course FOX news has been almost giddy over the possibility that Sen. Johnson might die and cause a vacancy in the Senate and it hasn't been long since Pat Robertson said that the Pres. of Venezuela should be assassinated, nutcases on the radio wanted to turn the Mideast into a "glass parking lot" and torture was being advocated.
Common decency and common courtesy has, it seems, gone away and is no longer a part of being an American. The things said on L&P are just an extention of the general breakdown of society. My 2¢

P&L on this forum has become the home for the preposterous and loonies!!!

You're right, Bob. And TFL isn't the only one. It's because of this that many (most?) of the true blue gun people no longer frequent this (and other) forums.

Some of the other forums to which I subscribe don't have this kind of stupidity.
Yes, my suggestion is that you exercise your responsibility and control the nonsense on P&L! Just do your job please!
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