It's Frightening To See All These Gun Laws In Some States?

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So I live in Montana thank God. We are extremely pro-gun here, and we don't have many of these infringing regulations. Times are changing though. I didn't know this up until recently, but apparently in my close by almost neighboring state of Washington, you have to go through a training course to purchase a semi-automatic rile or handgun of any sort. Yikes! This law in Washington State just happened in 2019 by the way.

Now look at Kentucky! They are trying to "ban assault weapons" there too. This has become a heated issue there. Of course as we know they are semi-automatic sporting rifles, assault weapons that are actually assault weapons are fully automatic. In any case, I'm 32 years old, and a proud supporter of the second Amendment. We keep seeing states slowly erode gun rights away. Certain states like Massachusetts are "may issue states" for being able to purchase handguns. Someone needs to take these laws to court, as they are actually corrupt!

Also, how can you have a "may issue" state? The right to bear arms shall NOT be infringed. Why is up to some bureaucrat whether or not they "may issue" or allow you to have a firearm? It's one thing if you have a safety test, course, or permit, that when you pass they shall issue you a permit. May issue lends itself to all sorts of corruption, where a bureaucrat could/may allow you to have a permit based on political beliefs, your race, religion etc.

How has someone not taken these states to court? In any case what do people here think? Do you think gun laws will tend to get more restrictive over the years? What can we do about this? I would always swear that it's impossible to have gun control in Montana at the state level, but no I'm not even sure about that. Do you think guns will be heavily regulated in my lifetime? By heavily regulated I mean like the state of Massachusetts now, only most states will have policies like this, or policies like this on the federal level? What's your take on the whole situation?
While I appreciate your intent to open a discussion, OP, your post falls a bit short. In L&CR, we try really hard to keep a narrow focus on a specific statute or civil rights issue. Yours if more of a broad, arguably political, discussion.

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