Its been an anti-gun morning for me

Miss Demeanors

New member
I am feeling your frustrations more and more. last week, I wrote Angelfire asking for more disk space, I wanted to put more pics of guns up, but the first 5MB was taken. They have you fill out this short form asking for more disk space, supposedly you can get up to 30MB's. Well this morning I got a letter back from them saying my application for disk space was denied. They claim that it 'seems' I am using the space for storage? Does that page look like a storage page? I think not. Here is the actual letter:

You recently requested additional disk space for your Angelfire Web site. We have reviewed the contents of your directory. We regret to inform you that your request has been denied.

Common reasons for Angelfire to deny your request are:

* The content of your site, while not in direct violation of our Rules,does not foster the kind of community we wish to encourage on Angelfire.

* You appear to be primarily using your directory for the storage of images or other non-html files.

Angelfire Staff

Fumes are coming out of my head.......

Then, I just recieved an email from a friend with a link to an IL newspage. Well it looks like the suburb I live in is now fighting to ban handgun sales! If that passes, that means the place where I was going to go to buy a gun, would no longer exist! That is also the same place you can get your IL FOID card from.

Guess I better get busy making phone calls and sending out some emails. The For Sale sign doesnt sound bad either!

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica

[This message has been edited by Miss Demeanors (edited December 28, 1999).]
Hee-hee-hee. I love starting off the morning with a good flame.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
My friend, Sandy, was informed by your staff that her page "while not in direct violation of our Rules,does not foster the kind of community we wish to encourage on Angelfire."

Her page is about her conversion from hysterically anti-gun to a devoted pro-gun person.

So you politically-correct freaks would rather have people cower in a puddle of urine when attacked, instead of fighting back, eh? Well, we can deal with idiots like yourselves. We got Rosie O'Donnell fired, and we can bring you down as well.

I suggest that you reevaluate your policies before you join Sara Lee, Hallmark, and Levi Strauss behind the 8-ball of a pro-gun boycott.

Coinneach, feeling especially nasty this morning. :)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Hey there. First I just want to know that I know what you are going through. I have had numerous friends who have been targeted by angelfire. Except they simply had their pages DELETED. Angelfire is known for this kind of behaviour. I am sorry that it has affected you now too. Are you on their free service or pay?? Either way I would get outta there and set-up shop somewhere else. Another question, what the heck does "angelfire" mean? I have no idea, that's for sure. Well, I just wanted to let you know that you are, by far, not alone in this. Have a good one!

But if you were hosting a gay chat or posting dirty pictures they would have given you the space...

Aol is also on full attack on pro gun sites too.

God these hipocrits makes me boil.

I hear shot gun news is now hosting pro gun web sights. Maybe there is someone out there who will give you a better price.
I'm in agreement with Coinneach. Nothing like a good flame in the morning!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Recently I was informed that you denied a friend of mine additional web space to hold graphics to be accessed by her pages because (and I quote):

* The content of your site, while not in direct violation of our Rules,does not foster the kind of community we wish to encourage on Angelfire.

* You appear to be primarily using your directory for the storage of images or other non-html files.

Images, as a rule, take up a fair share of space, and most of the time are accessed by the HTML commands embedded in HTML pages. <sarcasm>You know, they enhance the look of a web page<IMG blockhead.jpg></sarcasm>

Her page is dedicated to telling her story about how she made the transition from an emotional sensationalistic negative uninformed opinion about inanimate objects to an understanding that guns, yes, I said, "Guns"! in the hands of responsible individuals are nothing to be feared (ie. do not have a will of their own), but something to be advanced for the well being of not only the individual, but for society as well.

You would be willing to step on her right to responsible free speech to in order to cover your ass from weak and irresponsible people. And yet you allow a site such as this:

Which, by your own rules is in violation of rule 5: d-f, to exist.

Such policies are unAmerican, and shameful of those that would enforce them.


Arizona C.A.N. OP


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
To Whom it may concern:


It has come to our attention that your organization is denying a friend of ours use of your PUBLIC facilities to air her views on a particular subject.

Now, since our friends website appears to present her beliefs in a tasteful manner, and her beliefs are NOT unlawful in any State, nor do they violate any Federal Law, it appears to us that you have violated her First Amendment Right to Free Speech.

It has further come to our attention that your PUBLIC facility is hosting a site which not only violates good taste, courtesy and morals, but several United States Codes, Colorado Laws and your own charter.

We would appreciate a letter explaining how you justify such a discrepancy and a letter apologizing to our friend.

Miss D, I'm sorry to hear you are going through this, but your site will certainly be better off somewhere else, where your intelligence is appreciated. I will be very surprised if you can't find a proper home for your work.

And, I actually find it somewhat satisfying in an odd way that they are criticizing your pro-self defense pages, but still allowing a site that extolls the virtues of two teenage mass murderers (to be specific, Klebold and Harris). Doesn't that really say it all in today's society? You see, the problem isn't the misunderstood mass murderer - the problem is people like you, Miss D, who still cling to this outmoded notion that you have primary responsibility for your own behavior and your defense.

The gulf in philosophies between the anti's and us is so great, I sometimes wonder how we can continue to communicate with these fools.
You guys are great flamers (wait, that has other meanings doesnt it? lol) I had one written out, but decided to fight fire with fire , well in this case angelfire with fire.. :) It seems that you can sign up for one web spot a day. Well I have about 5 email addresses :) so I will just link them all, il2/imconverted2 il2/imconverted3 and so on. hahahahahaha If they are anti-gun, then even more reason to keep it up there. I better save it all just in case they decide to delete it.....oh ya, I did do Rosies acme! :)

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
Wait a web pages? Awright everyone! Get your fingers in gear and start putting up TASTEFUL PRO-GUN pages there! ("Whaddayamean, not the kind of environment you want there? what's wrong with people responsibly engaging in popular hobbies and/or saving innocent lives?")
CT, that caveat "tasteful" puts me right out. See my own site for details; the flame I sent to Angelfire is way down on my vitriolity meter. :)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Miss D, how about writing Angelfire a note along the lines of "my lawyer requests that you send me a copy of your written rules so we can determine future action.".

Better yet, if you had a lawyer friend willing to use his letterhead, send it from his address.

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.