It's Arrived.

long rider

New member
Ok my 36 cal 58 remmy has just arrived.
Gee you wanna see the size of the box
it came in , you fit a canon in side:eek:.
Anyway first inspection,the gun is almost
black in color and so is the grips, not seen a
gun that dark before, buts thats ok .
In a mo i will take it apart and give it a good
clean and oil up ( oh i will try not to wear out
the screws:D ) up till now the only thing i need
to do is file the trigger it has a sharp edge.
This is cool , you get a 59 page manual from
f.lli pietta this gives you all you need to know
on all there bp muzzleloading revolvers and
carbines , strip downs and loading.
I will be makeing a trip to the range on sunday
so i will see how she performs.
Any tips would be cool. bin long time sine i
had a new gun.:cool:
Now with both of my Remington repros I had to aim high till I filled the front sight down enough to hit point of aim but that is also being .44 caliber.
Mine was made in 2000. Maybe they're putting taller sights on them now. My 60 Colt shoots high too and it was made in 07.
Ok did a strip down , then filed the sharp ege of the
trigger , all back to gether now.
One thing i did notice the grips are bigger than my
44 cal, i was going to change them out.
Pietta recommeneds 9-12 grns for 36:confused:
what do you guys think.:rolleyes:
OK all is left to do is take it out for a test run:cool:.
Makes you feel like your 10 years old and santa just
bin. Any way thanks for listening to my ramble on.:cool:
Colts allways shot high, my 25 year old Pietta 1860 was dead on at 55 yards & quite a few friends that have Colts say the same thing "they shoot high" but both of my 1858's shot low with Ball, maybe they were orriginally set up to shoot conical?

Now my normal every day load for either is:
.457 144gr. Ball
30gr. FFFG Goex
#11 Caps.

As far as I remember between 15-22gr. of FFFG was the norm for a .36 caliber loading.
i can attest to that this is at 20 yards out with my WALKER. I forgot of course and was aiming dead on center. It shot high, So then i just started to do some good groupings in there. Then when i started to aim lower it was hitting dead on. Here are my shootings from today.


You are right raider2000 it shoots better with 22 grns,
i tried 12 at first then went to 22 grns much better .
And your right about they shoot low:eek: wow i will
have to do some filing big time.:D
long rider said:
You are right raider2000 it shoots better with 22 grns,
i tried 12 at first then went to 22 grns much better .
And your right about they shoot low wow i will
have to do some filing big time.

:D Yup sometimes my experience pays off "now if only I can remember where I put that Wachamacalit" :D

Don't file a lot off, just a few strokes at a time & bench shoot her, this way you will fine tune her to where you want her to hit at & not you.
Trust me you'll shoot quite a bit till you get that ball to hit where you want it to but it'll be well worth it.
Thanks for the info, and i did notice it shoots to
the right, not sure what to do about that?.
Tomorrow i will make a loader for my 36 cal,
my 44 loader just fits but at a pince, the 44
lo0ader is a 1851 ball ram and i made it into
a portable ball loader, saves on the guns loading
Year back one of my shooting buddy's had a ,36 and being we were living in the barracks (Ft. Riley) we had to make do. We found OOO buckshot(.36dia) would work. We had a hoot with it.:)
Long rider,

Can you post a picture of your "Loader",
i am interested in making a loader for my .44, and see they can be bought for about $60.
Hey gbro.

I have just finshed moddifying my loader 10 mins ago
now i can load both my 44 and the field
OK the main part is the RAM, the ram is a old 51 ball
lever from a old pistol i had, so that is the main part
i started with, the rest is a walk in the park.
Ok these are the materials you will need.
A 12" piece of 2+6 thats is for the base.
2 pieces of 2+4 at 5 1/2 ins long by 3/1/4 wide.
2 1/1/2 elbow brackets.
1 1/1/4" round wooden dowel for the handle
i made mine about 6" long.
Put the two pieces of 2/4s side by side, then take a round
2" hole saw in a drill and drill a hole, ( this is a perfet fit for
the cylinder), then stack them on top of each other with cut
outs faceing the same way. Get yourself small piece of plastic
thats for the cylinder to sit on when you are loading the balls.
Cut the plastic to the shape of the 2" round hole saw cut out
or the cylinder will start to dig into the wood and go of balance.
You will have to do some dry fits to check that its right for your
cylinder. Take the elbow brackets they will sit on top of the 2"
cutouts ( dry fit ) take the 51 loading lever or some alternate
take a small nut and bolt ( you may have to drill a diferant hole
to accppet the nut and bolt. I drilled a hole in the 1/1/4" dowell,
i took of the latch and slid the lever into the drilled hole in the
dowell that will be your hand press, make sure that you use some
small washers inbetween the bracketts and the loading lever so
it moves up and down freely. Ok do you see the picture so far.
Really all theres left to do is put it all together with some screws,
make surer you keep your cylinder at hand for refrence.
You can make your owen alterations to what you think best that
suits you. total price 2 bucks.
I will try to get some pics out but can not say when, the wife
bust the camra, but its really stright forward, + you can pm me
i will galdliy give you more info.:D
Hey pard, let me know how you get on, and i will have
to get a cheap camra from wally world so i can show
you my rig. Hey its simple but it works, it saves on the
guns loading lever. When you get the hang of it, you
can spin the cylinder with your thumb and load at the
same time,i can load six balls in seconds. I load the cylinder
with powder then place a ball over each cylinder mouth
press with the parm of my hand then its to the press
bing bang done deal nothing to it.:cool::D.
What are you going to use as a loading lever?,
to me thats the main part:eek:.the rest is cake,
let me know on your prowgress thanks.:D