It's a shiny new Saturday, let's make some shiny new bullets


New member
And the forecast is only for 89° today. If they are right, it's going to be a wonderful day in the yard at the casting/coating table. :)

Whatcha meltin' today? This sweaty old caster is stirrin' the pot again here.
Somebody has made an emoticon for almost anything you can think of, if you search for it. Just do a google or yahoo image search for things like "fishing emoticon" or "stirring emoticon" and such, and you'll find lots of cool emoticons doing all sorts of stuff.
If you get lucky and it's a .gif like these, they move.
It rained. Can you believe it rained! All of a sudden!:eek: ..... and so I'm putting buckets on the hot stuff and plastic table cloths on the electronic stuff and it's coming down a summer flash storm. :mad:

Sheesh.... now I gotta reheat everything and start over. But I do have quite a pile of bullets. :)
I did put it on top and stirred it in well. It did stick to the sides as the level descended, but it scraped off easily with the wooden dowel when I finished one pot and reloaded another. ('Gotta remember to get paint stirrers from HD.):rolleyes: But it worked really well. I had very few inclusions and those were probably just stuff that was already around the valve.

I can already tell that I'm going to be spoiled with that 6-banger. That thing drains a pot soooooooo fast and makes a big pile of bullets sooooo fast!:D
Shiny ones too. Here's some of the first ones.....
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I had a lot of fun out there in the shade today. I really enjoy casting them about as much as shooting them. I gave the NOE 432-265 another workout today as well. I usually cast a little over half a pot (about this much) and then it's time for a break and to refill the pot and have another glass of tea while it heats back up. :)

That is just lead on the sprue plate. I don't hit it with those pliers, I use my glove to open it, most of the time.


Tomorrow is powdercoat day!
All I did was wallar around under the rear end of my truck and chase down and order parts. Oh did manage to get over to the local HF to pick up a couple of "disposable" tools. (I didn't have anything I wanted to use to beat the races out of the rear end with.) Picked up a couple of pairs of those little spring loaded needle nose pliers for the PC'ing though.

Hey I was at least thinking of doing some...
Well at least you were doing something de I mean constructive that needed to be done. :)

I had a long day at work and planned on PC'ing last night but laziness set in after mowing the yard so I'm heading out there shortly to get some bullets colored. heh...
I gotta hit the garden this morning, but that'll give the dew time to dry off the coating tables and then I'll be "lubing" some bullets! I want to do some in orange, but I don't have any, so I'm going to mix red and yellow. Usually it just makes speckles, but it's always interesting and maybe it'll even look orange from a short distance.:cool:
I just finished PCing and sizing about 400 of the Mihec 359-640 HP bullets today. I made up strings of 8 bullets each for a total of 40 rds to test at the range. They range from 13.3 to 13.7 grains of Alliant 2400.

Well at least post some pics of smashed bullets and say how they shot. You know how Mike is always wanting to see some bent-up bullets.:rolleyes:
I was going for orange, but didn't have any, so I mixed half HF red with half Smoke's traffic yellow and it did speckle a bit as I predicted, but it "kinda" looks orange. It'll have to do til I can order some from Smoke. :)


Yea I tried something similar the other day, they came out so ugly I did a second coat of the flat black to cover it all up.

As for the skittles colors and all, if they won't shoot in a little ragged hole at 25 or further yards and hold together after impact, I don't have a lot of use for them. Granted most of what I have shot of late has been all paper, or plastic filled with dirt, but one of these days those hogs are going to mess up, and I will find out exactly what they do, colored or not.