Ithaca shotgun help?

Big Iron

New member
Repost from shotgun forum!

A friend of mine's grandfather passed away recently and left him several shotguns. A J.C. Higgins 20ga bolt action and another that's a 20ga bolt action clip fed. These are in fairly rough condition. However, he also left him a pair of truly nice ones.

One is an Ithaca double-barrel 12ga in near mint condition and never been re-blued. On the barrel is says, "Smokeless Powder Steel". The serial number is 235613.

The other is a mint condition, Ithaca automatic Model#XL300 / SN S1319725.

The local dealers here stated the condition, but all were uncertain as to the age and value of the guns. He is trying to sell these for his mother, and would like to know what a fair price is for them.

Is anyone familiar with these shotguns, and maybe know the age, quality and approximate value? I think Ithaca wants about $200 to research and appraise them. Is there a website or such where this info could be found?

Thanks for any help.
Big Iron:
In my opinion, The bolt actions are probably worth from $35.00 to $50.00 No real collector value.

On the Ithaca dbl. need as description of any engraving, other stampings on the gun. Ithaca made a lot of dbls and a lot of different grades.

Lookin for the XL300
This gun was made from 1973 1976. The only thing I can find is from an old Blue Book of gun values: $250.00 $130.00.


[Edited by Harley Nolden on 05-06-2001 at 03:25 PM]
The only engraving I know of on the gun, is one of a hunter with a hunting dog. I'm not sure exactly where it is on the weapon. If more info is needed, I can find out.

Thanks, for your efforts. I knew the bolt actions were without any real value. The other two I was uncertain on.
Big Iron:
Looking at photos of the Ithaca's with dogs or dog on the side I would recommend that the $200.00 that Ithaca wants to research may be worth the trouble. Without seeing the gun I hesitate to even guestimate at a value.

Just so I'm straight, are you saying that it looks to have some real collector value, or just very uncertain? Also, any speculation as to period of manufacture?

As near as I can remember, the engraving was 1 hunter, and 1 dog. I believe he said the dog was in front of the hunter and on point. I can confirm if it will help.

I'll pass this along to my friend. You've been a big help, and I know he'll appreciate it. As do I.:D
I got some clarification on the engraving. There is only a dog in some grass pointing. No hunter. It is on the plate above the trigger. If this helps any.

Big Iron:
I thought I had posted this before. Guess I must have pushed the delet button instead.

From your last description I am thinking that the shotgun is the Itaca Flues Model Grade 6. It was introduced in 1908 and remained in production through 1926 when it was replaced by the Ithaca New double. It was offered in 10, 12,16, 20 and 28 gauge. Several grades were offered begining with the Field Grade and ending with the Sousa Special.

The flues Model had the same bolting system as used on the Minier Model. Any grade could have been ordered with automatic ejectors at extra cost. A single selective trigger made by the Infallible Trigger company was offered after 1914 and was the first single trigger offered from the company.

According to a 1999 standard Catalog of Firearms 9th Edition the values on the Grade 6 Flues $7,000.00 to $300.00. That's why I recommend you have an Itaca appraisor "Look" at the gun to determine it's value. Descriptions vary, inparticular when deciding on degree of finish etc.

If the gun has the sngle trigger value is increased, also the auto ejectors.

Hope this helps.

Thanks, that is a BIG help. Now I understand the appraisal recommendation. I will encourage my friend to do so.

I'll let you know!