Ithaca 37 3" capability


New member
Does anyone know if a non-magnum receiver Ithaca 37 is safe to fire 3" shells. This would be of course with a barrel chambered for 3" shells installed.
I have a magnum marked receiver and a non magnum receiver, and I can't detect any difference between the two in regards to any dimensional differences on any of the parts.
google dimondale gunsmith in..

Ithaca, NY. He former Engineer for Ithaca, give him SN and he'll tell you right.
Ithaca 37 3" 12 gauge

When you want to know about Mod.37 check Walter Snyder's book.
The differences are: receiver, action bar, shell carrier, and the firing pin are longer.
The trigger plate is farther back and the bolt looks shorter.
If you fire the 3" shell, I believe,you would not be able to eject it.
I am a fan and collector of the 37, I've bought and sold many of them over the years and I now have 24 of them in my collection.
I installed a replacement barrel chambered for 3" shells on my 12 ga. Model 37 that was made in 1972. I assumed the gun would handle 3" shells. WRONG! The first time I shot a 3" shell in it the spent shell would not eject. I had to take the barrel off to get it out.