Ithaca 37 20 gauge Ultralight/featherlight outside barrel diameter?


New member
Hi guys, remember that Ithaca 37 I was talking about?

This one:

Someone mentioned that it is possible to have the barrel threaded for chokes.

Well, I looked it up, and the guys at offer choke installation services.

I emailed them a while ago and they replied today: In order to install chokes in your 20ga barrel, your outside barrel diameter must be larger than .700.

I haven't bought the Ithaca yet, so I was wondering..

Does anyone here know what the outside barrel diameter of an Ithaca 37 20 gauge Ultralight/featherlight is?

Also, do the prices on that price list sound fair?
Google Les Hovencamp...

he former engineer for Ithaca in NY. He may have barrels that use the Ithaca (Kings Ferry Mfg.) tubes.
Also contact Corson Choke tubes, they can tell if the present barrel can be tubesd.