Ithaca 16 ga mod 37


New member
Is it possible to still get a replacement barrel for this old honey, or do I have to alter the existing barrel to turn her into an upland gun. She is currently a full choke without changable chokes.
If I had to alter the existing barrel would I be better off just reaming out the choke, or is it possible to have changable choke tubes installed?
She is a sweet little thing, but the full choke is a bit of a PITA. I can't see ever using her on Ducks or Geese, just Pheasants and Huns.
you can get interchangeable choke tubes installed for less than the new barrel would probably cost. i would check out this guy i have heard he does a great job with this kind of stuff.

hope this helps. also if you could it would be nice to see a picture of that gun espescially in 16ga! ithacas are after my own heart due to the fact i actually live about 10 min from the old factory here in ithaca they just knocked down. allot of good guns were made there
I acquired the old girl a long time ago for a case of 12 ga duck loads. The guy thought he was undergunned with the 16 and had just moved up to a Baikal 12ga O/U with double triggers. I always wondered if he ever got through that case of shells....
The 16 is nearly mint. I'll try and get a couple of photos of her this weekend.
Does the SN begin with 37 XXXXX or is

greater than 855,000 ? Then it possible to get a interchangable barrel. You have prowl the auction sites as that most likely where to find one, there also dealers like and, see what they list? There is a dealer in Canada, that may have barrels, peruse the site for a website.

IF UNDER the 855,000 SN, then current barrels MUST be mated to receiver and headspace adjusted, also true for older barrels that are SN'd to specific receivers. Don't just swap barrel, the HEADSPACE must be adjusted.
Wonderful trade, congratulations!

I just checked and they have no 16-ga Ithacas listed. I suspect you'll have better luck getting screw-in chokes installed.