It was all fun and games until...


New member
...the sprue handle on my mold broke! So frustrating. I am using a lee 124gr LRN in 9mm that I got about 2 months ago. Fortunately I had already cast about 4,000 so I think I'm good for awhile :D . Anybody had this issue with a lee before? What can I hope for/expect when I call them tomorrow?
happens all the time. Call Lee, they'll make it better. The steel they use on sprue handle is brittle.

I have welded them back together too.
Yup, it wasn't me, I know better. The problem is NOT pre-heating the mold enough. You're shearing 6 sprues all at once, if the lead is too cold, it takes a lot of force to break them all.

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I sent lee an email with that picture, they replied they were sending me a replacement. 3 days late TWO new levers came in the mail.
Thanks, guys. Duly noted, will RTFM. Planning on taking my new 6 cav TL452-200 mould for a test drive in the morning. Think I'll cast a few Gould boolits for my 45-90 project as well before it gets hot. Gonna be 109 tomorrow so I'll probably be loading the ingots into the pot with a flashlight in my mouth. ;)

The waters a little over the ankle & a good breeze blowing at my house , I`ll even furnish the bottom pour pot !!!
My prayers are with you, my friend. You send pics of water, I'll send pics of shiny boolits and we'll both be happy. :D If you get a chance tell Irene to head west, ease up crossing the Mississippi river, hang a left @ OKC and head south!

I called lee today and talked to them about the sprue lever. I don't think it could have been any more painless. The entire call lasted about 3 minutes and consisted of me explaining my problem, how new my mold was, where on the lever the break was (she wanted to know if she should send a new wooden handle as well) and what my address was. If the value for the money wasn't enough of a reason to go Lee, that customer service experience sold me the rest of the way.
If the value for the money wasn't enough of a reason to go Lee, that customer service experience sold me the rest of the way. -Studman5578

Agreed, Lee would probably better regarded in some circles if his products weren't so reasonably priced, most customers don't get to experience their customer service. His tools are innovative and economical for the hobbyist and beginning reloader/caster and some folks like his "commercial" moulds as well.
As I've posted elsewhere the more I learn about Richard Lee's casting products, presses and other tools the more I'm impressed with his products and reloading philosophy.
If I ever meet Mr Lee for coffee or something harder the first round's on me.

Thats exactly what mine looked like. My problem wasn't having a mold that was too cold (I was about 600 rounds deep and churning them out), the problem was that when I poured, the sprue wasn't closed all the way (insert Homer Simpson "DOH") and when I tried to open it (even while supplementing the leverage with a screwdriver), it snapped. Fortunately I still have that 45 200 gr. LSWC to keep me busy...
I've not had the metal portion fail, but I'm familiar with a split wood handle on a Lee. Thanks for the heads up, Snuffy and studman.

I preheat all my molds ,but the aluminum ones I don`t let the burner get red hot & have to cast 2 for a while then 3 ,then 4 & etc until it`s warmed up completely !!

Thought I`d throw that in for good luck !!!;)
new sprue lever came in today (or yesterday, Im not sure). Thanks Lee! Now if I could just find the washer I lost when I took the old one off... :D