"It means they could win"


Thats a quote from Godfather Part 2 about the Pre revolution Castro forces

I was watching the Obama/Hillary debate the other day and the thought struck me;
If they decided to join together, they could win.
Anyone care to discuss?
Stop giving me nightmares!! :eek:

Seriously, I don't know if that would galvanize "us" like it did in '94. We have become complacent, the Veterans Disarmament act just slipped through and is less than a month old.

They might could, in today's climate. With our pubescent gnat like attention span November looks pretty far away.
Hillary and Obama will get together. They just have to figure out who's sitting behind the wheel and who rides shotgun.
They just have to figure out who's sitting behind the wheel and who rides shotgun.


here's the way I see it;

Hillary will agree to being vice president. why? 'cause she figures obama will be assasinated and she'll end up president.

I just scared myself!
They won't join.

Hillary won't join because she wants to be out front. If she can't have the #1 position, she won't take any. Besides, she has invested so much political capital in this race, if she doesn't win the nomination, she will never get anything other than her current Senate seat (which may become unattractive for her since it won't be able to be used as a jumping board for a Presidential bid anymore).

Obama won't join because he has thus far portrayed himself as an outsider and standing for change in politics. If he joins with Hillary, he will be tossing that aside, and he will be viewed as more of the same. A smaller, secondary reason is that his wife has told him that this is the only shot he gets- if he doesn't win the White House, there's no second shot, but we'll see if that sticks or not. His rock star appeal will dim the longer he is in the Senate, so if he fails, I am thinking we won't be seeing him trying the same thing again.

I could see either pick up Edwards as a VP candidate, but I highly doubt they'll join forces. Not with the way the Clintons have been acting- they've burned the bridges to Obama.
I disagree I think Hill would take the #2 spot, if for nothing else than to make History and to broaden her resume.

She could go in, get more forign policy experience, and then if no second term for Obama, come back after another 4 yrs and make the run again. Or if God forbid, Obama makes a 2nd term, as VP it would almost be a lock that she would run for Pres without the hassles of all the Primary running.

I don't think either of them have much of a chance, I think the Republican base is going to turn on the afterburners for the race after the convention.
But do the two lose their senate seats for having run, or do they keep them? McCain in the white house would just give them what they want so it's just the same as if they were in charge in the first place. :mad::barf:
They won't join.

you make some good points, but...

I disagree I think Hill would take the #2 spot, if for nothing else than to make History

I agree. Hillary wants to go down in history as the first female president. but she knows it wont happen on the first go round. Better to make history as the first female vice president with Obama (more history) and wait it out for the presidency shot.
and dont forget, Obama has a short window of opportunity to make history as well. I think he'll do whatever it takes to get him in the white house.

now, think about it, would any other pair of running mates get more media attention and folks jumping on the bandwagon? You would have a large number of votes from people who want to show that different is better ( tired of stagnant american leadership and lack of real alternatives). think of all the potential votes from typically under "represented" populations.

I dont want it to happen, but I think its something the other side is looking at with great concern. we should be too.
