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Part II TO Complete Of My Post Why I Love So Much To Own A Hand Gun.

People of the Philippines vs. Sonny Torres Dalire, Rudy Torres Dalire

Case: “Assault upon an Agent of Person in Authority”

Place: Abulog, Cagayan, Philippines (a remote place in the Northern Philippines)

For the benefit of those who who would like to know more facts to what I have posted in the other forum section, I would like to state many of the actual incident happened to me while the case was already in Court. On those days I feel that no body can protect me except my Creator and my Own self. A person like me who could hardly meet both ends in those days is able to maintain sanity and has still belief to live peacefully in a kind of environment I had those darkest time of me.

The first incident was:

 One night our house was fired upon by the Paramilitary man – In early morning I collected the empty shells on the road fronting our house.
 Without expecting that the man will come back again, we are relaxed attending the daily chores on our yard sitting together with my brother, one uncle and my brother in-law.
 Suddenly the man in uniform with a motor biked unexpectedly already in front of the house aiming his service rifle, we were all shocked and run to any direction and I don’t know how did I jumped-over a barbed wire fence surrounding our house.
 I cannot think to where I will get refuge but I found out myself with my barefoot and underwear white T-Shirt inside a Battalion Camp of the former Philippine Constabulary stationed beside a mountain in another town. I can still remember the name of the Battalion it is called "51st PC Battalion Striking Force" against the Insurgents assigned in my Cagayan Province (Northern Philippines).
 In that Battalion camp I talked to the staff of the S1 or S2 group (on their intelligence group) asking me a lot of questions. To their surprise also I am presenting the facts and talking to them candidly. So what they did, they radioed the Provincial Command, and the Provincial Command radioed the 115th PC detachment where the Sgt. is assigned to be disarmed.
 So, there is a good action on the part of the Battalion. Despite of that I am afraid of my life to go home in my barrio. What the battalion did, they assigned me a two bodyguard or escort perhaps is more appropriate word to use as the word bodyguard seems elite to hear.
 On that night we are all afraid in our house to sleep. Most of the members of my family sleep to other houses and the “TWO GOOD SOLDIERS ” who are assigned to escort me slept also at our house putting some decoy inside because there is a threat from the Sgt of 115th PC company (this company detachment still exist today) to attack us with his friends.
 Luckily, non had happened that night. After a few days, my two escort soldiers told me that they should go back to their battalion as there is no more threat and anyway the case has been in court and there is order from the provincial command already to disarm the Sgt. (it is an order but the man can still bear firearms)
 But I am still afraid of my life so I was able to talked to the other Sgt (my escort) to remain for a few days with me.
 In the third day of guarding me, the sgt asked me to go for a walk as he is new also to my place and he want to meet the Barrio Captain/Chairman. A normal gathering with the Barrio Captain and some Barrio officials ensued.
 Everybody are happy and suddenly the Evil Sgt of 115th PC Company passes by with his motor cycle and spotted me that I am with my Escort and with the Barrio Captain.
 You know what had transpired? he had no respect to the Barrio Captain and to my Escort, we thought he will just come near without any intention of harassing or harming me but he was too angry that he pointed again his Armalite to me but I am fast to cover behind the Barrio Captain and my Sgt Escort is beside him just maybe looking only for a good reason to shoot him first . The outrageous Sgt said why did I reported him to the Provincial Command and to the Ministry of National Defense to the extent that I am escorted by another soldier from another camp. (Of course I am not foolish to ask help from his Detachment and to my Town Police as I know they are coddling him also, and in order to neutralize him also I asked help from the other battalion). On that moment, everyone is pacifying him and the Barrio Captain brought me to one of their room in their house. My Sgt escort also almost had an exchange of fire with him as he don’t respect us anymore. (Please note, in a rural areas in my place where things like this) a man in uniform is the law and warrior, perhaps only the commanding officer can stop such person like that and the town police force will not dare to interfere. Many cases of only mistaken identity were shot and I can document it.
 By the way, what had happened in the “BUS STOP” in my other post, is just second round only as I said, and you know the Barrio Captain again in that place hide me in his house and the sgt. still came for me. Till I waited dark to continue my journey going home in my barrio. Me as a non-combatant and mere student in those days really lost hope how I can get out from all these mess. On that time I think to join the insurgents but I said to my mind why should I, the more I will complicate everything in my life if I do so. So, I patiently followed up the case in court. But if only I was sentenced or Jailed “I don’t know what to say” perhaps it completely change again my journey in my life.
 Please be informed also that my brother is a farmer and he was only included in the case so that they have reason that I cannot leave for Manila for my studies ( I’ve known this reason of them when the case was dismissed as their witness turncoat and told us she was only paid to testify against us).

This Is My Actual Case And It May happen To You – And What Shall You Do ?

To the family of those Two Sergeants who escorted and slept in my nipa house those years of my life – I would like to thank you and to the Court of First Instance (CFI) Judge and Fiscal who acquitted me in this case and cleared all my records up to the National Bureau of Investigation. May the Almighty God keep all your families from any danger in life and always uphold the law. To those who contributed my bail bond as I did not spend any amount for it. Thank you so much.

Here in TFL is my only chance to share my experiences for the purpose that, maybe I can impart some messages that maybe of help.

On my next issue again that will be completely different from this.

- When the military, the paramilitary, law enforcement, the vigilante, and the
political activist all bear arms;
- When the lines of authority and activism between (or among) them become
- When violence is condoned (or at least not prevented) by those in positions
of authority; and
- When “rogue enforcers” become common,
- Then the unarmed citizen is especially vulnerable.

The transformation of a chain of command into the philosophically acceptable
matrix system of command all too frequently destroys the concepts of “unity of
command” and the individual responsibility of the actors.

What the elitist prefers to call new and improved, many of us older types refer
to as chaos.

Philosophical or managerial considerations pale upon noting the persecution of
innocents such systems (or non-systems) provoke.

Condemning the persecuted and undefended for their attempts at
self-preservation might better be delayed until completely considering their
situation and how ours differs. (Dr. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs may be
worthy of note.)

Remember, the brave but unarmed defenders at the Luby’s in Killeen were all
killed or wounded. Those whom some would call “cowards” secured a means
of escape (by breaking windows, etc.) and saved their lives, the lives of their
loved ones, and strangers’ lives as well.

This man’s story is worth considering from the point of view that power
corrupts, etc.

It could happen here.
It's happening in Timor as we speak !
Pretty much the same as described by our Filipino friend.
Army & Police vs the common person.
Thanks goes to my d!ckle$$ Govt. who sees fit to disarm "us" BUT seemingly condone the Timor "problem" since the 70's!
Let's ALL put the Pollies on the Front Lines & see what would happen then....
I'm ashamed to be an Australian at the moment ! :(
Rant mode still operative.....

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Alternate E-mail
stdalire, thank you for telling your story on TFL. I just had my 15 year old son read it as well.

While some people believe such things could never happen in the U.S., I think they kid themselves. Citizens must aways demand treatment as citizens, and be allowed weapons for their own defense. Only slaves cower without the means to defend themselves.

Regards from AZ

Thanks so much for telling your story, here and in the other forum. It's a very humbling and eye-opening thing (as I sit here in my relatively safe house)to remember that not everyone in the world enjoys the current peace that we in the US do. I am afraid though that what you described can and eventually will happen here.

Dennis, you have such a way with words...

[This message has been edited by Darthmaum (edited September 13, 1999).]
Ugh. Sinking feeling in my gut. What will I do? I can't answer that until it happens. Personally, I NEVER want to know that answer. I give thanks for all that I have, and as teh case may be, do not have.
stdlair: Excellent post, and food for thought. I'm very impressed at your formatting of this one-- it was much clearer to me the indecent atrocities you've been subjected to by factions of your own government.

Between the Timor [with the U.N. stepping in, stepping out, and then demanding to "step back in" (take over)], and these postings in re the Philipines, and DC's earlier remarks in re: our establishment's "infallibility" with respect to guns, I've all of a sudden gotten a chill.

Strange what eventually gets to you...



Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?
I would have to imigrate to the Swiss Alps and live as a hermit with my highcap HKs and a FAMAS rifle...

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."[/b]
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac