It Just Gets Worse!!!


New member
The obsession that is , my first Rifle bullets from Isotope alloy !!!

They drop from a lee 2 holer at .3105 & I smeared some lube on em & loaded 8grs. of reddot under em , they chamber fine , I only shot 1 to see what it was like , gonna chrono & shoot for groups tomorrow if possible!!:D:D

Here's what that bullet looks like when recovered from about 3" of Elm. I cast them from WW dropped into a bucket of water. It was fired from a 06 w/around 18gr of unique, lubed w/LLA. Groups were about 2" @ 50yds. Are yours gaschecked? I'd be interested to know how they do. I have some to load in a Win 94 30/30 but haven't had time yet.


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I'm new to casting myself, most of the equipment was in boxes in a corner of my loading room for over a year. More invested in the casting equipment than the rifle, really cool stuff. Been loading for well over 20 yrs and now have some catching up to do. Dropping a hot, shiny bullet out of a mold is simply fascinating! Weather won't allow meaningful test firing but will hopefully do a bit of loading with these shiny new bullets after supper.
Isotope alloys

It`s from radioactive containers that are (COLD) & cast good most run around 10.5 bhn .

Most are 94/3/3 & 96/3/1 , here`s a link to some info :

Rusty , my alergies kept me from shootin any but I`m shootin em unsized & barebottomed at the moment until I get a 310 sizer & cheks comin.

& yes my name is GP100man & I`m an addict !! There I said it !!
Now I`m gonna go get a "FIX" :cool::cool::D:D
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Got my fix today!!!

Shot a string of my rifle bullets & I don`t know what it is but the harder I try to shoot for groups & chrono em at the same time the worse I shoot!!!:confused:

Any ways at 50 yds I shot a 6" group ( stopped before I shot my chrony) 10 shots , averaged 1318 fps sd was 8.4 & alot of carbon & as in the revolvers the alloy stripped a little but pushed out with a tite patch!

Gonna drop the speed a little , maybe a slower powder.:cool::D

I love it!!!!:eek::eek:

ICH , the more I think I know the more I find out I don`t!!

I was very comprehensive at first about the nuclear lead then my wheel weights what I could find turned to 50% zinc weights:barf:
Another FIX!!!!

:DWell my testin with reddot was satisfactory but clean up was sooty so I switched to clays & settled on 7Grs.

Also GCed some for the `06 with 9.5 grs 700x !!!

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