It is not possible for me to say bad things about my 25-2


New member
I hit the range again this morning. It was wheel gun day once more. My pawn shop find 25-2 took center stage again. I think it is expressing it's gratitude for me removing that horrible red dot sight and restoring it's double action feature.
Each time the hammer fell another smiley face had a 45 caliber hole. It seems that it's just not possible to miss with 200 gr lead being pushed by 4.2 gr of Bullseye.
I really enjoy my big Rugers but I need to do some serious load development if I'm going to get them running like this Smith.

It might not win any beauty pageants but it's a glorious thing to behold at the range.


My big Vaquero was the one gun that always impressed me at the range. It has now been surpassed. I need to tune its 45 Colt loads to see if it will hang with the Smith.
The 30 carbine Blackhawk made a good showing of itself today too but it wasn't quite on par with the 25-2.
It's not possible for ME to say bad things about your 25 either. Those are beautiful revolvers. High on my want list.

Good job, killing those pesky smileys.

Sgt Lumpy
The targets are an amusing story.

I tend to have a bit of a quick wit and a stressful job. When I get away from work the last thing I want to do is deal with serious issues.
Years ago, I was deeply involved with precision rifles. Shooting 1" dots at 100 and 200 yards was effortless so I wanted something smaller. I was picking up some office supplies and found a package of 1/2" round multicolored smiley face stickers. They were cheap so I grabbed them.
The next range day had me punching holes in smiley faces. When it came time to pull our targets the other shooters and range officers found it amusing that I was shooting smiley faces. When they asked why, I replied that when you missed the smileys were mocking you. If your target is laughing you want to smash him more than you did before. :D

The smileys bled over into pistol use. Instead of shooting at the boring silhouettes and the little numbers scoring the rings I started putting smiley face stickers out there. Packs of stickers are cheaper than target dots.

Fast forward a few years and my smiley slaughtering adventures gained almost a (tongue in cheek) legendary status amongst my shooting buddies. Wow. My friend Donnie killed three deer this season. Big deal. I killed 62 smileys during my last range outing. Top that! :D

In response, one of my friends created a PDF file on his computer featuring a field of random smiley faces with the words "death to evil smiley faces" across the top. It's become a favorite target to use for handguns and rifles. If we need more targets we print 'em out and head to the range.

It can be a little hard to see hits on some of those guys when you start getting into rifle range. A hit in the sunglasses or centered on the darker smileys will not be seen until you get a bit closer. If you can't see the features on the faces you can't always call your hits. Instead, you look for a new hit outside the smiley in that general area. No stray hit usually means a hit on target.

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Carry it up a few mountains and you might start saying a few bad things about it (like it is heavy.)

And yes, I use a 4 inch S&W .44 Magnum alot but it is heavy!

Smif, I'd curse the Super Redhawk before I'd curse the 25. Still, I don't go legging it around outdoors too much. Where I go the 642 will be plenty. Only a few two legged varmints to be worried about.
The 25 is a bit big and heavy. Wish they had made it with a 5" barrel and a ramp sight...

SP, you can have one made like this:

It really is handier than the 6.5" but not all that much lighter.

Here's some weights -

Model 66 4" Rubber Pach Grips - Unloaded 2# 6oz - Loaded 2# 9oz
Model K22 4" Rubber Pach Grips - Unloaded 2# 8oz - Loaded SAME (0.4 oz higher)
Model 36, custom large walnut grips, 1 7/8 bbl - Unloaded 1# 4.4 oz - Loaded 1# 6.5 oz
Beretta 92FS Unloaded 1# 15oz - Loaded 2# 9oz - Totally stock
S&W 1911sc (Commander length) Unloaded 1# 13oz - No loaded data
Model 625 4" Unloaded, Rubber pach grips 2# 11oz - No loaded data

Weights are rounded to nearest oz unless it shows a decimal point.

So if someone wants to weigh 6 rounds of 45ACP, add that to the 625 unloaded weight and you'll have the loaded weight. I doubt the moon clip would weigh enough to move a postal scale. Weigh the 6 rounds in the moon clip if you have them.

Sgt Lumpy
I walk around all day with my GP100 6 inch on me, the weights actually reassuring. Granted I havn't been on a long hike but I still have a lot of recovery before I can attempt that.
SP, I did that to make a blue steel Mountain Gun, something else S&W never made.

I confess, I shoot this one more than the 5". (smile)
