It happened again #2


Staff Emeritus
Relating to George's "meeting" with a Tongan gentleman who robbed him but lost the encounter (and related stories/comments).
Deputy KC is right - I beleave that I should have made a police report at least. that would have cleared the legal air and fulfilled my duty as a citizen. Yeah, I should have.

But - I made my choice. And as such - I stand behind my actions. My goal was to get home safe and get home fast.

No, I am not some gung ho macho tarzan wannabe rambo... Let me tell you - driving home - the Shakes... Oh yeah - I had them. By the time I got home I was alright. While driving, I could barly make the turn signals.
It wasn't so much fear. The guy was big, hell yes - Made my Kodiac handle feel more like Yogi... But I wasnt afraid of him. I was however so pumped up on adrenalin! I was still in fight mode. This is not a good time to sit and answer questions. I think Massad Ayoob is correct to admonish people to NOT answer questions at this point and defer to an attorney.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Very interesting range of laws in this thread. What plays in one State, gets you a major felony and jail time in another. Here in Ohio, a police report would end in George being arrested, charged with several felonies, and in all likelyhood spending mandatory gun specification jail time (5 years). The Tongan would have walked, with a charge of loitering or some nonsence. After all, he did say he wanted to "Borrow" some money. FWIW, I think you did the right thing. I don't want to sound cold, but it ain't your fault if the guy goes down the street, rubbing his nuts, and rips off an unarmed target. You live in a CCW State, and there is litte reason for anyone to be an unarmed target.
;) I saw Practical Magic the other night. I always hated the song, but since reading this thread all I can think is:
Kick the Slime in the coconuts,
Make him fold up.
Kick the Slime in the coconuts,
Man it feel better.

CCW for Ohio action site.

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited October 28, 1999).]
------"I was however so pumped up on adrenalin! I was still in fight mode."------
George, lucky you weren't pulled over, that might've made a whole new interesting thread ! ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
Alternate E-mail
George, I must ditto "You da man!". I have noticed that here in my city quite a number of robberies happen at the car washes's vacuum area, presumably precisely because people's guards are down there, as was yours.

BTW, what is a "Tongan"?
A Tongan is a native of the South Pacific island nation of Tonga. Related closely to the people from Samoa, called Samoans...
But they wont admit it.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud