"It followed me home" post of the day...


New member
Well, some of you read my earlier post about heading to the LGS to get another pistol since I had sold one. And if so, you know it was already gone. So looking through the case for "something interesting" to spend my $ on, this popped up and followed me home:


1931 Official Police - bluing about 60% or so, and a couple of rust spots. One good long weekend project ahead for me.

Funny how often they follow you home. Can't tell you how many times I went to the LGS to buy cleaning patches or some other little thing, and I leave having spent a thousand on something I didn't even know I needed.
There very same thing happened to me not long ago with a circa 1925 Official police special .32-20. Glad to know I'm not the only one!
Funny how often they follow you home.

It's even worse when the evil gun store has a good/great layaway plan. That's how they get me. "Just put a few bucks down to hold it for a couple of months."

Now I've got TWO "in the back" waiting to "follow me home." :D
Clean it up....

Take off the rust, and I am going to find some vintage leather to put it in. Hang it in the gun room and I see it being one of my top converstation pieces.

Funny how often they follow you home. Can't tell you how many times I went to the LGS to buy cleaning patches or some other little thing, and I leave having spent a thousand on something I didn't even know I needed.

Man do I wish I had that problem. School loans will make sure that doesn't happen to me at least for a few more years.
I have spent hours standing outside gun stores calling the guns by name and not a single one has followed me home!