it coulda been me....


New member
I was running late this morning so I didnt get to stop by my bank and use the atm. Its a good thing. Although maybe I could have saved a life.
This atm is in a bad spot and I've complained for years. Looks like I was right to worry. When I go through, I have my gun ready, the transmission in drive, and I keep my eyes peeled. This is exactly why. Its sad watching society crumble...
Very sad...hope the woman survives and makes a physical recovery. The emotional scars will be with her for life.

It is for this very reason that I avoid ATM's and drive-in banking. You are vulnerable in that you are out in the open at an ATM. You are paying attention to your transaction and someone can sneak right up on you. The only way I do ATM banking is when my wife is doing the transacting and I have her back.

With the drive-in, you are trapped if a car is behind you and one blocks the exit in front. Chances are you are outnumbered and most likely outgunned. Too high a risk for my liking.

I always look for an "out" and if one does not exist, I do not need to be there.
Wow, thats bad very bad. I hope she is OK and they catch them folks.

I use a ATM that is inside a wal greens so it dont charge me for the transaction and folks dont know you are going there to withdraw cash. I try to use ATMs that are inside the store as well. I try to avoid drive thrus of any kind as I see them as a trap. Including the lunch stops.
Man that's bad, hope she survives. When I go to the atm, my hand is on my Glock 22 and it is slightly pulled from holster. My SA is on full alert and I never put the car in park, always in drive in case I have to split fast.
ZS, it is scary when such things hit so close to home.

Good thoughts regarding our vulnerability when using ATMs, especially the observation that they demand our attention during use. I personally avoid them, as well, but we all know that most of the population doesn't think about risks as they go about their daily lives.
I am "Mr. Convenience Lover" in person, . . . until my safety is in question.

I do not use ATM's, . . . period, . . . and only a few specific drive thru's. As I go to the bank at least once weekly, . . . it is with a .45, . . . I walk in from the outside, . . . and try to get there early in the morning.

I also love it that my wife follows my example.

May God bless,
My situational awareness is always on red when I have to go to the ATM. I always try to go during the day when there are a lot of people around. I'm sure there weren't too many people around at 6 am. I used to make night drops after work until I "think" I might have been followed. I just kept driving and didn't stop to see what their reaction would be. I could have been nothing, but then again... in a quiet area that is not that well lit... anything is possible. I also make it a point to pull past the drive up ATM if there are blind spots (and there almost always are).

I hope the lady make a full recovery and I hope those guys get caught.
I have to showed this thread to my girlfriend. -___- she lives in the land of care bears, gum drops, and unicorns.

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Apparently shes going to survive.
I very rarely use the atm but this is a wake up call.
I did have a guy try to carjack me late one night... Thats one time keeping my truck in drive saved me. And yes he was runover by my truck. Was going to edit that out but Constantine strikes again.:o
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- she lives in the land of care bears, gum drops, and unicorns

I feel your pain, Constantine.

That really is terrible, I usually avoid ATMs completely after dark. If I need cash for whatever reason, I'm more likely to run into WallyWorld and debit a pack of gum.
WOW...I play pool once a week at Frank's Place, about three blocks from where this happened! :eek:

I never carry in there, because it's too uncomfortable while bending over the table and to avoid exposing or printing. I may have to start re-thinking my approach.

I grew up in Leesburg, and it saddens me to see this. I guess crime is inevitable in a growing populous. I just don't have many memories of it from my youth. It was rather rare, back in the 70's and 80's.....

I hope she makes it through.
I also love it that my wife follows my example.

Good thing. I banned my wife from the ATM and invited her to invade my wallet whenever she needs cash. She does, but tells me so I can refill.

Sad story, I hope the lady recovers fully.
Maybe you should pocket carry or front side iwb for Franks!

I have tried different holsters and positions, but I found that regardless of combination, it either gets in my way when leaning across the table or exposes/prints when I do.
I'll figure something out. I may just start carying my BUG as my only gun when I shoot in there...Or, just have it in my bag, for more ready access than the truck...
That link does not work for me.
Is this the same story?
"Cops: Woman Shot At Drive-Through ATM" August 9, 2011

Bad guys seems to have fired at least one shot through the driver's side window striking the victim in her left hand and her scalp. She narrowly missed being hit in the brain.
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