It appears I've offended a few here, here's what I have to say.

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To all,

If you found my recent post about helicopters and their pilots rough and directed at all law enforcement and military, I am truly sorry to have offended you. I didn't post that response in order to make you feel I was out to get you. It was posted as a response to another comment about how to deal with a certain situation. If you where offended because of the circumstance I was refering to, and you feel you would take part in it, then I am not apoligizing to you.

I got a little rash in that post, and have been told it's not permissable here, it's Rich's site. I've told Rich in private email how I feel about the whole situation and will in the future try to refrain from crossing that line, though even through all the emails chewing me today, I'm not sure where the lie lays. I try to stay a little to one side of it for awhile, instead of pushing the edge so to speak.

Once again if your a constitution loving American who believes in freedom and I offended you with my previous post, I do apologize.

Live Free or Die Trying,

Steve Moody
Now this is what I expected from a Texan.
Stand tall, take it in the chin... and get on with the business at hand.
Makes me proud I grew up there.

Ruger, thanks for taking the high road.

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Thanks for the sentiment.

You could do us a great favor by posting these comments on the General Forum under the "Future: Part II" thread that you started or in the threat "Beating the SWAT Team" that you're referencing. Since these comments are in direct response to the issues/comments in those threads, it makes most sense.

It serves no purpose to have this issue spread into a dozen new threads all making the same point. Trust me...your comments will still be visible. :)


[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited September 18, 1999).]
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