I would appreciate your comments on this one. How is the quality, reliability etc., comparing the Belgian ones? What is the story behind these guns? (have heard the guts are Hungarian made, is that true?).
Thanks, RBull
I picked one up cheap at a show a year or two ago.... I love it. Very reliable, more accurate that I expected it to be. It has the best "feel" of any handgun I've ever shot. I don't have any experience with Belgian, or any other clones to compare, but I know I'm very happy with the weapon. Hope that helps.
Just to show what gun I ment, here is the link to local dealer page picturing the Kareen. There is few units in the stock and I do not know if all of them are the same... http://www.bvs.cz/komise_pistole_kareen_hp_9.html
(the text is in czech - sorry)