Ishapore scope mount?


New member
I recently acquired an Ishapore 2A #1 MkIII
that has been commercially chopped into
something they call the #7 Jungle Carbine.
It is a blast to shoot. My question is have
any of you had any experience putting a
scope mount on one of these? I see some
'no-gunsmith' scope mounts offered online
and in Shotgun News. Is one better than
the other? Any good or bad luck stories?
Did you loose the ability to load the mag
from the bolt? Loose the iron sights?

Thanks, DanM
Dear Friend,

I am having fun with my Ishapores, too. It is nice saving the $ buying .308 instead of .303.

I tried the scope mount you are considering and could NOT get it to work. It is held on by two screws that just hold it tight with tension, and no matter how much I tightened them, they would always come loose in about 3 shots. I considered trying to drill into the metal of the barrel so they would seat instead of just having tension, but I just never got around to it. You could try.

Yes, it does preclude top loading, but I have never seen clips for the .308 model, anyway.

Hope this helps.


Nehemiah 4:18 " ... and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked."
Thanks for the heads-up John. I take it you
are referring to the scope mount that J&G
sales and gibbs rifle sells, which includes
rings for $40 or $50?

Also, on the stripper clips. I have no
personal knowledge of this but have read
elsewhere in this forum that either FAL
clips or 7.62 NATO clips will work fine.

I have had a .308 Ish for several months. It has the rear sight ramp that keeps moving all the time. I am considering installing a scope but just love the idea of stuffing stripper clips to charge the magazine. I am considering, then, a Scout-type arrangement.

Do a search on "Beast-Enterprises" (Geoff Beneze) here in Phoenix who loves the scout concept and has offered to scoutify my Ish.

Just a thought.


BTW, what to do with that clunky trigger?
And what about a cheap source for a bayonet?

"Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American." Tench Coxe 2/20/1788

[This message has been edited by RickD (edited November 23, 1999).]