is your western big game area still there? - forest fires


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Colorado currently has nine forest fires. The Hayman fire (SW of Denver) & has "eaten" 87,000+ acres (136 square miles!) & is only 5% contained. (largest CO fire previously was 17K acres ... )

Our fave elk area (eastside Flattops Wilderness in the White River Nat'l Forest) is threatened by the Coal Seam fire in the Glenwood Springs area - much more habitat is under the gun. "Official" fire season starts June 15th.

9 News , Denver TV station actually has some pretty good 'net coverage for Colorado & Forest Service -state listings has a "pick 'em" list for specific forest status.

May be a good idea to keep an eye out to make sure you even have an area to go to this fall - & a prayer for rain.
Looks like I'm SOL. I applied for deer and elk permits for unit 51. This unit is basically Douglas county west of I-25. I had planned on hunting the Pike National Forest south and/or east of Deckers. I picked this unit out of convenience since I won't have much time to hunt this fall and this is close to home for me. Well, if the maps on the news reports are accurate, looks like most of the area has already burned and from the sounds of the weather reports, the rest will probably go soon. :(

I'm considering calling the DOW and requesting to withdraw my application. Does anyone know if this is possible? Alternatively, I wonder, if I draw permits and then ask for a refund, can I then purchase permits in a different area?

The drawwing has already occured. Go to the DOW website, and you can do a search under your CC# to see if you were successful. You can probably turn your permits in for a refund, but I'm not sure.

There is a fire where I will be hunting (Area 75). If the whole area isn't totally burnt down, hunting may well be good. The burn areas should be filled with new growth by then, providing lots of food. If there is still enough timbered areas to provide shelter, I am looking forward to a good hunt.
Once you apply, you have applied and you can't cancel.

However, if you do draw your tag, you can turn it back into the DOW and either get your $ back or keep you points (if you used any to draw the tag) by giving up the $.
DesertSheep, I wasn't aware of that switch-a-roony thing - thanks. May come in handy sometime.

wjd, ditto = the drawing is a done deal. Depending on if you were successful in your draw, and how you filled out the ap, you could already have a refund in the mail.

There's boxes to check if unscuccessful = "give me a (basically) over-the-counter tag/general season" or a refund.

TaxPhd, I agree. Fire is a natural & overall good thing - long term & the new growth provides excellent forage for the critters. Everything in moderation. But, this summer's looking to be one real SOB & too much of a "good thing" .... yada.

Pike's Peak Nat'l forest is already closed to all human activity. Unprecidented.
A burn area is usually one of the best places to hunt! That is if some dense timber has survived. I wouldn't throw in the towel just yet. I will intentionally look for a burn area because come fall given a little moisture you can expect some real nice lush green grass in these areas which really attracts elk and deer both.

Well it hasn't burned up to, or over, the Rampart Range road yet (looking out the office window from just east of the AF Academy). So you could hunt the downhill eastern side of the range if it doesn't burn. Lot's of deer will be forced into that area - I would expect that come September homeowners in unburned areas along the edge of national forest boundry might be beggin' to have somebody come and help with the deer that are eating up their shrubs.

Labgrade said - "Pike's Peak Nat'l forest is already closed to all human activity."

Yeah - except we've got to let them run race cars up the Peak for the hill climb - gee let's see - one car off the road - crash - gee look - Pike's Peak is burning. (can you tell i'm slightly upset!!)

Rained last night here in the Springs - need some more prayers to get that monsoon set up so the whole state can get rain!

Thanks for the info guys. Looks like I did draw both a buck deer and a cow elk tag. From the current maps it looks like JohnDog says. Hopefully it won't burn any further east and I can hunt that east side of Rampart Range road. I agree that a burn area can be a great place to hunt but we are going to need some rain to put this thing out and then some more for the grass to start to grow. Right now I'm in wait and see (and pray) mode.
Our draws were in area far, no fires but thats 4 months away....can be a lot of smoke in that time......
New growth should actually help wildlife. Closest thing go to me was about 12 miles south.....thats the morning it was running, not walking north.
I didnt draw any tags this year but it seems to me that while there may be new growth by hunting season the elk will still go to the heavy timber thats left, and hunters too. More elk and more hunters in less timber will mean more chances to score, and also more chances for a mishap.

Lets all be extra careful this year. you always hear of a hunter or three being shot inadvertantly, and this year the danger will be even higher. Rule #4 and good hunting to all.
Now, now, JohnDog! :) Just how many race cars have ever gone off Pike's Peak? I think I'd worry more about a touron*.


* Touron: A cross between a tourist and a moron.
Touron....that was good. Art, we, as well as every where are beseiged by the ones that just flat don't give a dam.........gouess they are kinda cross
About the only thing worse than being stuck behind a Tuoron driving his FlatLand Sedan up a long pass(without passing zones) is....

Having a Texican fall while getting off a ski lift, and you being two chairs back watching all the knee deep powder getting tracked up while ol' Billy Bob drags his bu$$ outa of the way:rolleyes:

Naw Art - I'm just torqued-off that the whole Pike National Forest is closed - except for the Pike's Peak road. They even closed local mountain bike trails - nobody but us gearheads go there - yet any tourista can drive up the Peak. And the race usally has a couple crashes a year (we get full coverage here in the springs). A driver even got killed in a accident last year.

Fire Update - Awful windy today - C-130s from Peterson AFB are flying over the house on the way to spread retardent

PS - Drew a Buck Deer tag in area 11 for the second season, and a Cow Elk for area 79 for the fourth season. Going to use the new rule about antlerless elk to get a second archery Bull elk tag. Hunting overload!!!
It'll come back, better than ever. in 105K acres, a lot of wildlife have been displaced.
FYI, a short while ago, a USFS employee...on patrol at the time for illigal fires...has been charged and has admitted starting the Hayman fire. She will be in Denver Fed Court in the morning.
I know this is not exactly hunt related, jut thought you guys would like to know what happened.
It wasn't the was their own people!
JohnDog, you ever run Blue Sky corner at speed? :)

You won't have to worry about me falling off a ski-lift. If I want hard water, I go to the top part of the white box in my kitchen! :D

Art - Nope - See aforementioned comment on being behind Tuorons!;)

My favorite is Elk Park Knoll - there is a small road to the trailhead - unless you know it is there passengers always think I've lost it and am driving off the road when I turn on it!

Here are some articles from the local rags about the fires and wildlife....,1413,36%7E95%7E677095,00.html,1413,36%7E95%7E677094,00.html,1299,DRMN_85_1207442,00.html