Is your trap shooting as good as your upland shooting?


New member
Is there anyone else out there that feels like they are better at Upland than trap? Or am I in the minority on this?
For me it is about 6's....I'm not very good at either one of them. But I am getting better and have found that as I improve at the trap range, my hunting skills also improve. I'm sure that works the other way around too.

The great thing about both is that it is a lot of fun trying and practicing.

One thing that has helped me though is that I used to use a different gun for hunting than I did trap shooting. I was advised that I might do better if I used the same gun. So I did, and I have gotten a lot better at both.
very good point. I'm blessed with many shotguns. When shooting trap, I say..."What guns do I want to take today? Instead of taking my field gun.
I think you're prolly right AZ. Most prolly shoot better when you know a bird is going to pop up and consistent flight pattern. I'll have to start counting opportunities vs kills in the field.