Is Y2K a UN conspiracy to justify Martial Law ??


UN troops on American soil enforcing martial law? Think about it, the civilian populace would go ballistic and the US military obligations are to protect against foreign invaders regardless of Presidential orders to the contrary. Thus, who would protect the UN troops?
Any mass concentration of foreign troops on US soil is tatamount to a declaration of war and no one with a modicum of sentience would want to to be a land-invading trooper here.

The UN is obviously jockeying for greater power leading toward a world government, and slowly they may be achieving it thru greater worldwide acceptance of socialistic policies. However, to force the matter at this point would be insane. The UN needs the US intact more than the US needs the UN in any form.
no, I that's not what I meant.

Really, It was something I read somewhere else this afternoon that made me think of this.

I heard that several countries have standing orders to go to martial law if and when the Y2K disruption of daily life occurs. (including supposedly, the US and Great Britain.) so, the theory I was putting forth was this:

Countries that have been supporting the UN more and more (like us....unfortunately) are being manipulated by that entity into the position of putting their own soldiers on the streets for "their peoples own good".. we already do this on the local level during and after natural disasters (to prevent looting, etc...). So what if this is just conditioning for the day when, AFTER we are used to the soldiers on the streets, the U.S. signs a treaty with dozens of other nations which nominally turns over control of the military "in the case of global emergency" to the UN Security council. perhaps the upcoming movie "the Siege" is just part of the conditioning..."

I don't really go in for all this stuff, but it makes for interesting discussion.
Ahh..I see what you mean.

The US has a history of using the Nat'l Guard for quelling disturbances, so I won't be surprised, nor particularly concerned for that matter, if troops are on alert. What will concern me if martial law and curfews are enforced without just cause. By this I mean, say if Guard troops were sent to Los Angeles or New York City and started martial law and curfew before any incidents sufficient to warrant calling the Guard in in the first place. I fear that could set a precident to allow, say curfew at anytime, all the time. That opens the door to a police state. Further, I would be concerned if there were roving squads out in rural areas not having anything of substance to protect; like a dam, power station, water course, etc.

I think however your "concept" perhaps may be utilized to a degree someday in the future if and when the US may seriously get in bed with the UN. But, UN uniformed troops running around? Not in our lifetimes, and I pray not in our children's either.
i'm for it if they start shooting telemarketers

Hal<------Who lost his train of thought because he didn't want to buy basment waterproofing, have his mortage lowered, get a 3 trillion dollar credit line on a Visa or have new windows installed.
I have read that National Guard units have plans to be activated the day before to be ready for 1-1-00 operations.

I have talked to some Guardsmen who have it on calenders... There training Drills they said. Hmmm... funny timing.

I work with computers - obvious i post from work - and we talk about y2k often. This is a big problem yes, but not the end of the world. what worries me is just what the heck FEMA has up it's sleaves... they admit to havint plans, but refuse to tell what those plans are. They have the power to put martial law into effect, round up people into concentration camps, all kinds of powers in the name of Emergency Management. Lets just say any FEMA guy knocking on my door in early '00 will be met with a volly of firepower that would make the guys in saving private ryan cringe.
My inlaws have just completed getting a years worth of food storage... enough for all in the family. They have invited us over should things go south.
No matter what happens... It is really nice to know there is a safety net.
I have considered posting a "Protected by 4th Amendment" sign on my door if house-to-house searches are ever being enacted. Breaking into my domicile is a felony, and if the perpetrators are armed...lethal force option in effect.

The truth is, though, that if these type of events are happening, our Constitution has been breached (though that happened a long time ago) to such a major extent that hopefully any one with any damn sense will know a war has begun. Whether anyone else reacts or no, for me, the phrase would be, "It's on."
yeah, door to door means the balloon is up.

In that type of scenario, I'm planning on moving everything relevant to survival to a buddy's 450 acre farm, put up a sign at the gate and sit and wait for targets. He's got a fmaily too, and his place could support a group for a while. (Starting this winter I will be keeping so food in one of his extra freezers, mostly deer meat, but we may throw some veggies in there too...)
My place is out of the way, his is remote.
never, underestimate what the people in power have up their sleeve. after all, it's for our own good!!!
your resident paranoid freakaziod

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited 10-31-98).]
longhair;What you say is true.That is why we need OUR people in power.

[This message has been edited by Ed Brunner (edited 10-31-98).]
Well, my basic belief is very simple. A person does not spend millions of dollars to get a $115,000 a year job. Give or take a few thousand +pension, etc...

So, we reach the nasty conclusion we cannot, try as we might, escape, they get in their for the power. Most of them exhibit signs of bieng stinking drunk with power.

Don't trust people who seek the kind of power they have...
I have a friend who is full-time in the National Guard. He just when off to learn riot control in anticipation of Y2K.
I too am preparing for Y2K.
I also am reading a very interesting book. It is called Unintended Consequences by John Ross. The hero of the story ponders an interesting question, at what point are the government's actions tyrannical?
Given the powers given to FEMA (un-Constitutionally) by Herr Klinton's executive orders, it's hard to say *what* would happen. I do, though, have grub and "stuff" at my parent's place in the country, and my wife and I are planning on spending the holidays with them. I'm also helping a few city-bound friends stock up basics. We can't just think about ourselves, but need to consider those we are close to as well.
I've browsed some Y2K sites, including and the Cassandra site, among others. There has been testimony in Congressional hearings and discussions in Congress about the possible need for putting the National Guard on standby in case of a need for some variant of a Martial Law situation.

Among other worries if electric power grids black out (ala 1967 in the NE U.S.) and riots ensue; and social unrest if various government checks don't make it to recipients.

It seems to me a very real fear of a LA Riots situation, with an intent to "nip it in the bud".

Your guess as to how far "they" will go, or how effective such plans will be are as good as anybody's, since it's all guesswork. What we have is a situation whose exact date is known, but the results lie between "Not much" and "Oh, my God!"
Art; Good points.It all boils down to'Whom do you believe?"
I dont think you can trust the government on this one.
I am logical,conservative,pragmatic and cynical.I believe that there will be a LOT of unrest and I dont have any idea how long it will last. If and when it happens it will steadly get worse-I know that.

Better days to be,

I tend to believe that if you want your lights back on, all you'll have to do is just let the nice doctor put the little chip in the palm of your hand or your forehead...that is after you've surrendered all your weapons, of course.
Read Usenet

"We cannot be so fixated on preserving the rights of ordinary Americans...."
Bill Klinton

Under FEMA, can't Clinton TEMPORARILY suspend the U.S. Constitution if a NATIONAL-EMERGENCY has been declared? He has told the Japs recently that he'd run for a third term IF HE COULD. Will Y2K be the time we see the unholy birth of The First American Dictator? And will we see the appearance of the cashless society and the smartcard/tiny microchip national ID system? How damn close to the Mark of the Beast is that? Does anyone really think that it will be presented as "from your pal, Satan"? Y2K is going to tear us a new one. Get ready and weather the storm. WARN your friends and relatives. But what REALLY scares ME is what Y2K might just be pulling the cork on!
I did hear that a rumor was circulating among certain would-be bank robbers that the burglar alarms in banks would not work on 1/1/2000. The idea is completely false, of course, but that is small comfort to the police if the bad guys *think* it is true. (I heard one PD was drawing up contingency plans to respond to a large number of alarms going off in a short period of time.) In any event, such stories do cause me to wonder if the dire projections of civil chaos might not be something of a self-fulfilling prophesy.