Is this wrong?


New member
I had a near situation today with a victim of road rage. Let me tell you about myself and what happened and ya'll can give me some feedback on how I handled it.

I am a 21yr. old male 5'8", 150lbs. and I have my CCW license. I had just bought a snazzy Don Hume holster for my Ruger P-94 so that I had something that looked good when I open carry. So of course I had it on my hipp open. On the way home one of my passenger got physicaly ill and I had to get to a gas station quick. So I sped up and passed a PU and turned left the the first gas station. From what I could see I gave the PU plenty of room and I used my signals. But he still felt differntly. So he followed my into the gas station. Thats when my defenses went up.
So I told the girls to go inside the gas station as quick a possible and I hopped out and proceed to wash my windshield. The driver of the PU started yelling and cussing from his truck. when I turned to face him he stopped in mid cuss word, his eyes went right to the pistol on my hip, and he took of like a bat out of hell.

I don't like confrontations and will NOT get into a fist fight with anyone. I got out of the vehicale because I didn't want to be cornered inside the van. The only way I could have avoided the situation would have been to not stop, and have someone hurl in the van,but then he could of still followed my home, Then he would have gotten a surprise!

| the person with |
| enough MONEY & POWER|
| to pry it from my |
| cold dead hands |
Sounds like you did OK. You got to a public (hopefully well-populated) location, so there were plenty of witnesses. You didn't try to antagonize the guy, you didn't go for your gun, you didn't escalate the situation.

I have no problems with the way you handled the problem, but you'll probably get better (that is, more qualified) feedback from our LEO members.

How does it become a man to behave toward this American government to-day?
I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it.
--Thoreau, "Civil Disobedience"
I agree with the bat I think you handled it well.

BTW, it's been a long day and my mind is working really slow...I just can't figure it tell me, what's a "PU"?
PU? Must be a pickup truck? I don't know about you guys, but road rage has got to be my biggest pet peeve.
You handled it fine.

Point of interest:
A local off-duty sheriff was arrested a few days ago for brandishing his pistol during a road rage incident. There wasn't much on the news about it, but the other guy was not arrested or ticketed and the sheriff was...apparently the sheriff got PO'd and followed the guy 30 mi and then confronted the guy. Not good

PU=pick up truck. Gads you city boys!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited May 26, 1999).]
Sorry John/az2, Mr. HaTeDrUgY is from the United States of Alabama. But your question about open carry is still valid.

I've got a pet peeve's open carry. As an instructor I won't recommend open carry to anyone without a uniform. It has all the potential required to make a bad situation worse. It is also the one thing I believe will get CCW cancelled in states where it is used extensively.

It scares people - and not just anti-gun people. It draws undue attention to the wearer. If a BG is hell bent on mayhem, he'll shoot you first. Your best defense is surprise and you just gave it away. If the road rage dude had been armed too, could he have taken the display as a challenge? If the situation had become violent, how many witnesses would say "he had his gun on for everybody to see...he was just looking for a reason to use it."


Please understand, I'm not making a judgement about your right to legally carry openly or your personal decision to do so. I only hope you will consider the points made and reconsider. I would defend your right to carry openly or otherwise. However, I also consider open carry to be a bit rude and brash - that's just my personal belief, nothing else. I'd rather keep the BG's, and everybody else, wondering. Does he or doesn't he...only his concealed carry holster maker knows for sure.

Interesting. Once upon a time I owned both a piece of property over an hour's drive from home and a motorcycle. I decided one day that a visit to the property could be fun two different ways besides the visit itself, but how to get the old Hi-Power to the property on the motorcycle..????

Easy solution, put holster on belt, load and lock, insert in holster in plain sight, and head for motorcycle. Whee. No CCL in the state at the time, passed several LEOs on the way there and back, nobody even looked. Blew off a box or two and headed home, then decided I was hungry. No trunk to leave the HP in at the diner so wore it in. Several other customers and the waitress smiled, made small talk, I ordered, ate and left.

The whole day was lovely, not a bit of problem, and I even suspect it was legal, but ain't certain. But I obviously didn't scare any of the people I ran across. Now, self-defense was the farthest thing on my mind at the time, but I did notice that cars stayed a good bit farther from my tail, and actually pulled all the way into the passing lane to pass me, instead of trying to run me off the road. I have no problem with open carry, if you are willing to take the risk of being the first target mentioned.

Larry P.
Here in Alabama you can open carry on public property without a ccw, but why limit your self there when all it takes for a license is $20 and a background check. I love LA!(lower alabama)
Also I usally don't carry open. I'm just tired of wearing baggy clothes to conceal, so I picked up that new Don Hume holster for when I'm run to and from friend's homes.
As I said before I will NOT get in to a fist fight, I'm not quite as big as most of the bubbas around here. The incident ended without I having to say a word.

PS;anyone want to go plinking in Baldwin Co. I got a range and 7 heavily wooded acres.

| the person with |
| enough MONEY & POWER|
| to pry it from my |
| cold dead hands |
Here in Alabama you can open carry on public property without a ccw, but why limit your self there when all it takes for a license is $20 and a background check. I love LA!(lower alabama)
Also I usally don't carry open. I'm just tired of wearing baggy clothes to conceal, so I picked up that new Don Hume holster for when I'm run to and from friend's homes.
As I said before I will NOT get in to a fist fight, I'm not quite as big as most of the bubbas around here. The incident ended without I having to say a word.

PS;anyone want to go plinking in Baldwin Co. I got a range and 7 heavily wooded acres.

| the person with |
| enough MONEY & POWER|
| to pry it from my |
| cold dead hands |
"I suspect it was legal, but ain't certain..." - Larry, you're crazy dude! But cool. My state doesn't allow open carry.

On the subject of road rage generally, if I hack someone off and they start following me (pretty rare, but has happened), my tactic is to make a beeline toward home (and hope I have enough gas). Because if they are still following me when I get home, and they have the gall to pull into my driveway or step onto my property, they're probably going to get shot, in which case the presumptions in the law are in my favor, because it's my domocile, so it will likely be deemed justified and I can carry on my life without being arrested and tried. I have to assume the road rager is armed and dangerous, because so many are.

What reason did you list for your CCW license?

Just curious since I live in UA (upper alabama) and am thinking of applying for one.
I think you did the right thing under the circumstance

I hope I'm not taking this thread too far off topic; admins, let me know if I am, but I too am curious about Crash's inquiry.

From the NRA site concerning AL CCW:A qualified or unlimited license to carry a handgun in a vehicle or concealed on or about one's person for not more than one year may be issued by a sheriff of the county where the applicant resides if it appears the applicant has good reason to fear injury to his person or property or has any other proper reason for carrying a handgun, and that "he is a suitable person" to be so licensed.

I assume "any other proper reason" could include simple lawful self-defense. HaTeDrUgY, can you confirm?

[This message has been edited by BAB (edited May 27, 1999).]
Not a problem...threads develop on their own and this was a logical consequence in development.

I would ask tho, if State CCW comparisons become the main topic, we either (with Hatedrugy's permission) change the title of the thread for search engine and reference purposes or we start a new thread.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I am self employed contractor and get paid in cash sometimes, so I wrote self defense as my reason. Not to long ago a carpenter in Mobile was beat to death with his own hammer by two of his workers who wear crackheads. When you got that much money on ya, you got to watch your back.

| the person with |
| enough MONEY & POWER|
| to pry it from my |
| cold dead hands |