Is this worth a look?

In my experience, paintball guns for training are only as good as the people using them.. most paintball players (professional types...) make a habit of perfecting the techniques of "pray and spray".. that comes from hoppers with 200 balls each, and the fact that a blaniket hanging from a clothesline offers ample cover from their opponents.

OTOH, if you have guys who are serious about running shoot/don't shoot and force-on-force training utilizing these "toys", they can be very usefull, affordable tools.

I looked into the ATS line of guns a few years ago, and decided that the equipment is not what makes the training.. just because they are "designed" for LE/Mil training doesn't make them any better than the ones you can buy at Walmart for $100. If you want to do better than the Walmart version, and still save money, look for a Tippman 98, they run about $175 completly set up and will work very well for Force-on-force training.. just don't issue your people 200 rounds.. try 6 or 8.

If you are really serious about training with realistic equipment though, go to a Simunitions Instructor School, order a few Glock 17-T's and go at it....
I like the TS1 marker - the problem is that many paintball ranges dont allow them. (Yet they will allow the mini-mag with auto-triggers... go figure)

Paintball is a fast growing sport - and it really is a lot of fun.

The problem with paintball is that it will dip into your gun-money funds. Now - if you could give up you Golf funds for it - that would be okay... :)

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud