Is this quote accurate, from Sarah Brady?

Red Bull

New member
I saw the below quote on the wall at Dillon Precision in Scottsdale Arizona.

I have seen it elsewhere also.

Is it accurate?

"Our main agenda is to have ALL guns banned. We must use whatever means possible. It doesn't matter if you have to distort facts or even lie. Our task of creating a Socialist America can only suceed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed."
***Sarah Brady to Senator Howard Metzenbaum***
--The National Educator, January, 1994, Page 3.
I think it is. It sounds like it is her agenda. It should be easy enough to verify, contact the publication specified, and ask for verification.
I too would like evidence of where one may look for the transcript or some other specific evidence of the truth of this, because it's flat-out shocking if true. I suspect it's fabricated, though. If she did slip up and let the truth out of her mouth, this is a major weapon against HCI.
I don't believe so...

I've spent an hour searching and can't find anything remotely bona fide.....most of the time this quote is on personal web pages. Further, I can't even find a bona fide that "National Educator" either organization or publication exists. And, how would a personal letter from Brady to a US Senator get in there anyway?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Sarah Brady gets bashed by pro-gun rights people for repeatedly changing her stories, downplaying her
real agenda, and outright lying. All of these flaws are fair game, but claiming she said something didn’t will
not help our cause, and could actually hurt our efforts.

The following quote was probably aimed at reaching veterans and other Americans concerned about our
great country’s move toward either Communism and Socialism. The falsehood reads:

Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us
have been totally disarmed.

This phony quote is often cited as a statement from Sarah Brady, Chairman, HCI, to Howard
Metzenbaum, The National Educator, January, 1994, Page 3. "Sarah" and "Metzenbaum" are sometimes
misspelled as "Sara" and "Metzanbaum" on the Internet.

There are several problems with this quote, including the fact that the common citation does not check out.
In addition, Sarah Brady would usually be considered a conservative Republican on most politic issues
besides firearms, and therefore not likely to embrace much more of the Socialist agenda than gun control[/quote]

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I do not believe that Sarah Brady would have said anything like that. No matter what she might think, she would never be so foolish as to spell it out that way and in those terms.

I find it interesting that there are pro-gun websites dedicated to exposing these untruths, yet I can find none doing similar work from the anti-gun side.

I think it would be interesting for us to point out this discrepancy.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.