Is this possible, or am I dreaming.....


New member

Now before you beat me up... this is no militia idea BS. Do you think it possible that in the USA in the future (within 20 years) that we could have a sort of Red Dawn situation of sorts. Not necessarily a foreign invader, but a hard crunchdown on freedom that would necessitate the hiding out of numbers of people (towns, even) from the perps intent on changing this country into a new soviet-style regime? Time enough to perhaps establish a proper and just revolution? Just thinking.....

"Stop forest fires--ban matches."
Sure do. Us older hard nose type will have to be done away with first. We remember too much about the Constitution and freedom, but the young kids are being brainwashed in school. They don't know who and why the Constitution and Bill of Rights are about or anybody who signed it.
Ask anybody up to college age about those wonderful documents and less than 25% will know what the hell your talking about. What a shame. So I'm afraid the answer to your question is hell yes!!!!!!
I suppose it's possible. However I'm doing my part as best I can. I'm a second grade teacher in the PRK. I gurantee you, ALL of my students know that guns are not evil, hunting is more than OK, and their beloved teacher has weapons. One other thing, my room moms loved the roasted pheasant we had for our classroom Thanksgiving party.

How do like them apples Govenor Davis!?! :)
Antenna, I'm thinking you won't have to wait 20 years, and I hope I'm wrong. I also agree with Fourdiamonds that most of the younger ones don't have any idea what the Bill of Rights is for, and its true power. I want to also applaud Espresso for his contribution to the education of America's future. I tried for a very short time, but when ONLY 2 out of 90 high school students could recite the Pledge of Allegiance OR the first verse of the Star Spangled Banner, I knew that the classroom was not where I was going to stay. BTW, Espresso, when I become emperor of the world, teachers and LEOs get triple raises. My hat's off to you. TMoney
Not all of us young kids were brainwashed, I'm only 21 and I know damn well what the bill of rights stands for, and what our founding fathers went through to make it happen for us. But on the other hand, I didn't really go to school.... And, sadly, I do believe that a Red Dawn situation is possible within the next 20 years, and probably sooner then later with the way things are looking currently.

I would rather die on my feet, than live on my knees.
Where do you think all the communist/socialist agitators went after the Vietnam war?
Right into the education system.
In reality, they have won over a period of time and are waiting for anyone with a memory to disappear to completely take over.
Fourdiamonds - I am just out of college and am just as pissed off at these stupid anti-gun soccer moms that are "doing it for the children". But I know the Constitution and believe in it more than any politician, charlatan, whatever the hell you want to call'em...

When you criticize my generation you piss me off! We are not all like the goddam tree huggers that make the news. It isn't the schools, it's the parents!!! I, as a younger person, can see that the new generation of parents have apathy or dislike towards guns which causes their kids to be obsessed with the guns they can't have. They don't understand them, they don't understand the gun's value, etc....

I take great offense at your post and ask that you reconsider your stereotype. I for one fight for our rights too... I will stand up with you 'hard nosed' crusty individuals along with my future son or daughter to fight for the second.

They will confiscate my guns from me when I'm dead.

Before you pass judgement on all Fourdiamonds come and talk to me.

Anarchism: The radical notion that I am the sole authority when it comes to deciding what's best for me.
The Rock is going to weigh his opinion on this subject.

We (meaning those 17-24) are by and large, f'ing clueless. There are some exceptions of course and those that post to this board are definately an exception. Of course, the generation that are soccer moms are just as bad, if not worse. They wouldn't know a clue if it bit them on their candy, rooty-poo ass.

The only way to avoid the coming civil (ha!) war is to elect a straight majority of real people who will change the USSA back to the USA. This probably won't happen, so your only and I mean ONLY choice is to prepare.

Yes, Prepare.

This means training, training, and more training. Learn to shoot. Real well. I'm talking one ragged hole at 200 yards with your rifle and no targets standing at <=7 yards with your handgun. I'm talking being able to run 3 miles plus! without stopping. Being able to swim like a fish, dive like a whale, and have the dedication that God himself didn't have. (6 days and then rest)

The Rock will be ready.
The Rock will stand.
The Rock will punish those that have raped his beloved country with maximum prejudice and violence of action.
The Rock will die for his beliefs, if he needs to. Will you?

The Rock
The Rock says, "Know your role, and SHUT your mouth."
I teach reserve peace officer students in the local community college. While I'm compelled to teach certain things by state law, I feel free to discuss the Constitution and the Bill of Rights when I'm addressing community relations, ethics, and professional behavior.

When the class is over, I'm very sure the phrase, "The People" is understood by my students to mean the same throughout the Bill of Rights.

Occasionally I get a student who knows where I'm coming from, but amongst the 20-30 year old age group which is the majority in my classes, most don't have a clue or an inkling how our republic came into being.
Yeah, The Red Dawn scenario makes some sense. Consider what it would take to create a contrived poublic crisis. Take a re-run of the Charles Bronson flik, "Telefon", and tell me there might something to the madness with the school shootings. I hear tell, (rumor control, or heresay) that nearly all those who committed the atrocities have a strange void of memory of their actions.
If I were to "condition" someone to commit acts like that, I'd sure as hell program in amnesia as well. Wouldn't wan't to leave a trail of breadcrumbs along to find me...
O very K! I am going to chalange all of you,
as to your dedication to the cause of the Second Ammendment and to teaching the new
clueless in the US, generation about firearms.

Espresso, T Money, Carca Invidia Es,
Ne Bob, And most especially Slasko---
Slacko--Yes, I am Talking to you! and not to
forget also Bruels.

I respectfully chalange you all to do
as I have already done. To call NRA at
1-800-NRA-3888 Ext. 1470 or 1481 and ask for the education and training division and ask
to be enroled in the NRA Certified Pistol Safety Instructers Course.
This will cost you about $250.oo which
you will make back from the first 3 students
that you Certify for a State Pistol Permit.
After this every student you teach
you put $100.oo per student in your pocket.
The course you teach is 10 hours class room including dry fire snap cap pratice and 1 hour range shooting both a semi auto pistol & a Revolver.

Not only do you get to teach new people
to shoot safely and well, but each new shooter weakens the antis by 1 & strenthens
us by 1 & they pay you to do it.

If you feel generious, and are young & strong; give them the course for 40.oo Me, I'm old & tired and I want my 100.oo
I cant see me doing this for too much
longer as my health steadly declines.

So,I am trying to get some new blood

Lets just say an old man is trying to pass down his legacy to the new generation.

Won't at least some of you please take me up on this?? I don't have a son to pass this on to ,but if I did, I would, so I guess some of you will have to do.

I am sincere...and you will enjoy
being a NRA instructor, I do. It will put money in your pocket; it does for me.

You can email me at

I will help you with this if you choose to make a difference and become an NRA pistol safety instructor.

Call NRA; email me--Have some fun & make a difference!

Any one care to put their money
where their mouth is???? heheheheeh !:^)

This will change your life for the better!!! I know---I tried it ---I like it.
Thanks, Carca Invidia Es
Any questions you have email me at

PS--You wont be sorry, I am sure of this!
I was going to start a new topic and this thread seems appropriate.....
last night I had the opportunity to see a portion of a show were the gun industry was represented and the anti gun industry was represented and they spoke in general of the federal govt (make that clinton), putting the hud behind the cities law suits----the Nra was reprsented and I believe J. Mickulek might have been the author interviewed. I coant tell you who the durn liberals were but they "organization against firearm violence"---the title might be not 100% but their attorney flat out denied that they were out for the revocation of the 2nd and that they were trying to destroy the gun industry. ---I saw his answers as the lie's they were--- unfortunately the next liberal was much more excited that his side has been winning so much, and said that the gun culture in this country is losing and will have to change, that in 20 years the guns that people will be allowed to own and the places they shoot will be strictly regulated(he actually said that the soccer moms wouldnt allow it to stay the same....), about this time they interviewed the reporter I believed to be Mickeluk, and he candidly told the truth that the "gun culture is shrinking", and that the places to shoot are not as available as they were even 20 years ago(all this is paraphrased),
You know they are all right, you can call this defeatist if you want but the anti's have already made huge inroads on the 2nd and those encroachements might never be recinded, so they have won that round + even more. We do indeed have a shrinking gun culture, one that has been villified successfully by the anti's, and the places to shoot are becoming less and less. The cost of shooting is going up and if the anti's succeed it will go up even further, and even less people will be envolved in shooting......and the kicker for me is the age of the population, the ww2 generation are dying off at the rate of appx 1700 a day, according to the stats Ive heard from the vfw., soon that great bulk of veterans will be gone---and the young kids arent even interested in shooting not like I was....(but Im a gun nut).
We have to become agitators for our positions, I know its a pain and we have one heck of an uphill climb, we have to turn our kids and our neghibor kids (when there of age and comprehension into shooter's, target, competive, hunters, etc.,) and we need to conduct ourselves in a manner to get our points accorss(not just grabbin the antis so that there hearts and mind will follow....although I like this one). I guess we all should know that we are in a fight for our very existence as memebers of the gun culture. Take a friend shooting. Participate in the local events and try and start em up......Im 44 this week and I dont feel like being the only one on my block to own firearms......fubsy.
well bruno, Im trying as hard as i can...In the last 3 years i have taught 7 neices and nephews how to safely handle ,shoot, and hunt with, various firearms. Guess whos phone rings the most when hunting season arrives? This year I have taught my wife so much about firearms and reloading , that shes begging me for a rifle "that doesnt kick like your 30-06". Now I am in the process of teaching my 8 y.o. daughter the firearms safety rules, after that, its time to bring her to the range.
With regards to the original topic , I also feel that a "Red Dawn" type of situation is possible, and isnt very far off from becoming a real thing. I read an article a few days ago ( I dunno what happened to it but i'll look) that states that everyone , whether it be pro-gun people or not, is getting sick of the way things are being handled within our government. It also goes on to state that from the way things look, all it would take is leadership in the right direction to make it happen.Ask your friends, neighbors, coworkers, anyone, if they are happy with the way our government is being run,i would be willing to bet that most are not. Im not, and I do everything i can dream of (within the law of course) to try to make it better.
Lets just hope it never happens, but be prepared just in case it does, thats my motto. Cuz
Ernest - You are good man. As soon as I finish with my new wife, my friends, and my nieces and nephews I'll take you up on the offer. I met an instructor earlier this week that was a great guy (I had to get MO hunter's safety - haven't needed it since I moved). He'd been doing the class for 11 yrs.

There really are too many clueless people out there regardless of age...

Anarchism: The radical notion that I am the sole authority when it comes to deciding what's best for me.
Regarding Basic Handgun Instructor certification:

I took through the course, now I teach people for free. I provide a loaner gun (revolver or pistol, student's choice), ammo, transportation, and range fees. I also bring my long guns, so they can have some fun before I start pounding stance-breath-grip-sights-trigger into them. Some of my students came through the CHL course at Paradise Sales (where I took the basic and instructor courses), some were referred to me through friends. None of them have ever used their new skills in the wrong.

It's probably the single best way to spread the word. BTW, in accordance with the saying "Those who can't do, teach," most of my students outshoot me. :)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
You can have all the freaking letters after your name you want, but one thing is for sure, you can't take a class or get a degree in common sense.
Case in point, I worked for a painting company for a couple years, 1996-1998. One of our jobs was painting dorms at a quite prestigious college. Ah, what the hell, it was Carleton College in MN.
We had "wet paint" signs everywhere, we were painting adjacent walls and had open cans of paint all around. Damned if at least three students came up during the day and touched the walls, and were surprised to get paint on their hands. Well, this pissed me off cause I had to repaint the area. I asked one student why in God's name did he ignore the signs and touch the wall.
"I wanted to see if it was really wet."
Duh! First of all, how many people ever touch a dry wall in a building you're in? When was the last time you touched the wall in your bedroom?
And, with wet paint signs you would think that one would even be less likely to touch the wall.
I guess not.

Common sense is developed from the time you begin to crawl. Guess who is most instrumental in this development, that's right, parents.

Something's gotta change or we're going to see how bad things can get. :(
Ladies and Gentlemen, my hat is off to all you of the younger persuasion; you prove that not ALL of your age group are lost in the mire. I am also proud of the various vocations you have chosen - I read that in another thread. earnest2, I have recently been considering your challenge, and will give it even more serious consideration. My only problem is that, like CUZ, I never seem to run out of nieces and nephews (anyone missing a few?). They keep me busy in the pasture. I do want to assure you all, though, that my past training began at age (before I can remember) and continues. Thank you for keeping the flame of freedom and common sense burning; the liberal wind blows hard our way. Safe and surrounded, TMoney