Is this our problem?

harrys ghost

New member

Here we have a guy that makes money on the side relatively inexpensive handguns to all comers. It's not clear that this activity is illegal but I believe this is just the sort of behavior that ultimately leads to pressure for more gun control laws.

What do people here think? Any ideas on how to address this problem, or do people even see it as a problem?
What he did was illegal, at least on a federal level, and possibly on a state level. I see little reason to slap extra laws on top of the matter if the ATF and local police are too busy bugging legitimate businessmen to enforce them against obvious criminals.

As for taking care of these sorta behavior, get someone to reign in the ATF from bugging folk over dotting Is and actually enforcing the letter of the law -- there is no clearer case of selling firearms as a business without an FFL than this one.