Is this good


New member
My wife and I have been practicing with our S&W .38's ( a model 10, and a model 67 - both 4") We have been doing all of our shooting at 25 Feet. Shooting slow, we can both do 1-2" groups most of the time. Shooting DA fast ( 6 in 10-15 seconds ) we are averaging about 6"
Just curious if this is decent shooting or not....

Well... most people are more then 6" wide so i say your doing pretty good :D. Also you're shooting a little better then me so I'm hoping others agree that's its good shooting haha.
Good, we will keep practicing.let you know if we get any better...Now if i could just get to where I could shoot my .40 Sigma that good.....
Find yourself a couple Advanced Silhouette SP-83A (aka “the Thug”) targets and try the same drills...

I like that target. Been using it for years. Mine don't have the shaded area, just that ugly dude lookin back at you.
I've offered my thoughts before on this, but IMO, when shooting for groups (i.e. "target" shooting), good, but not excellent shooting is 3" groups at 25 yards. Those are honest and consistent 5-shot groups, shot unsupported with a serviced-sized handgun. Revolver shooters should be able to do this in double action as well. "Honest and consistent" means all shots count (no dismissing "fliers") and it's what you're typically able to do on demand.

At 25 feet, these would be 1" groups, so, yeah, I'd say you're doing well. Even your 2" groups are better than even those who regularly go to the range, IME, so kudos to you and your wife.

I wouldn't call 6 shots in 10-15 seconds particularly "fast", though. ;) For SD, one metric might be 2 shots in 2 seconds within the Center of Mass, or a 6" circle. Typically it's done from the holster, but if you can do it from The Ready position, you're doing well too.

I'd also recommend using an appropriate target, i.e. a "bullseye" type target for your target shooting, and something like the target above for your faster, SD drills.
I will be getting a stopwatch to better time those rapid fire drills ( we may be shooting faster than i think - I hope?) and some targets as suggested. Will practice some 2 shots / 2 seconds also. I really appreciate all the help from the experts out there.....If you are interested , i will update after next range trip this weekend....

Getting better ..............10 shot string, 6 slow, followed by 4 fast. 25 feet freehand


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