Is this for real?


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Wednesday July 21 5:13 PM ET

Davis Wants His 'Vision' Implemented

By SCOTT LINDLAW Associated Press Writer

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - Democratic Gov. Gray Davis has offended lawmakers of his own party by declaring in an interview that the Legislature's job is ``to implement my vision.''
``It was my vision that commanded a 20-point victory, the largest in 40 years,'' Davis told the San Francisco Chronicle's editorial board. ``People expect government to reflect the vision that I suggested.''
Davis told the Chronicle in a story published Tuesday that members of the Assembly and Senate ``have a totally different view of the world than I do.'' Democratic lawmakers are generally more liberal than Davis.
He said that because he won election last year in a landslide, the Legislature should defer to him.
``Their job is to implement my vision. That is their job,'' Davis said.

Is this true? Is CA so far gone that the Gov. thinks he is a supreme ruler? And is the Legislature even more liberal than he is?

Full story:
Good grief! What a pompous ass! He is basically saying he was elected dictator of california and that the legislature should do his bidding. Ha!
Hoo Boy!

If there is anything a legislator will not tolerate it is being dictated to by the Governor, even if there is no disagreement on goals.

Members of the Governor's party will not often vote directly against the his bills, but somehow, those bills get stuck in molasses, hearings delayed, key legislators get the flu, "more pressing" legislation comes up, etc.

Believe it or not, Davis is seen as a "progressive moderate" rather than a liberal. He's annoyed that the legislature is passing too many liberal bills, too quickly. There was even a faint glimmer of hope that he would have a rare moment of lucidity and veto the one-handgun-a-month bill. Oh well, that didn't happen :(
These liberals think the Constitution and Bill of Rights are what's holding up their "progressive paradise". Too often the right lets them get away with crap. From the article:

'Davis spokesman Michael Bustamante said the governor has ``tremendous respect'' for the
Legislature. Bustamante said the governor believed a ``significant portion'' of the interview was off the record.'

So, the fact that these ideas of Davis' are his own private thoughts and he would rather the rest of us don't know about them is supposed to make me feel better?
I'm about ready to put in the Suggestions forum a request to just start a whole new forum: "More Reasons to Hate California"

This would certainly be one of them!!!

But, maybe he'll actually help develop some much-needed anti-government backlash in that state.